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𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 :

I'm in class room.i m so sad about my seungmin said

Seungmin: jinnie are you sad ?

Hyunjin: ye-ah

Seungmin: why

Hyunjin:That's it

Seungmin hug hyunjin bcz seungmin easyly understand hyunjin's mind.hyunjin hug him back

Seungmin; tell me hyunie

Hyunjin: wedding 🙁

Seungmin: wedding? Who's ? Your hyung s?

Hyunjin: m-mi-nee

Seungmin: don't kidding me!

Hyunjin STD to crying and hug seungmin tight

Seungmin: really?tell me everything

Hyunjin: ye-ah 😭 suddenly my dad said he deal with his best friend with business and now they want to marry their son.they Forse me. And next Saturday is my wedding.

Seungmin: wtf ,Clam down they Forse you like that.and do you saw your fiance?

Hyunjin: Noh I didn't want bcz my parents They fixed the marriage without my permission so I don't think it's necessary

Seungmin: but before tell me ? After marriage they will let you study

Hyunjin: y-yes

Seungmin comfort me so now I m calm down suddenly I saw Minho came to me and said why I crying but I didn't tell him and I saw his mood off too so today I am in peace bcz he didn't regret and bullied me.

I don't know what I do bcz my mind are not worked.

Seungmin: looked hyunjin You will have to get married one day or another and your father is a very scary father and I don't want them to kick you out of the house so I say you agree.

I didn't said anything and I shook my head

𝐈𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 ,𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲.

but minho and hyunjin even don't know who is their fiance or's weird. Hyunjin is so sad.and he crying a lot.and minho's mood is full off. They never married anyone so early.

Mr.hwang; hyunjin

Hyunjin didn't answer

Mr.hwang : mekup Artist is hyunjin are ok?

Meakup artist : yeah but sir we actually confused that hyunjin has a girly figure so didn't choose what he wear.girly dress or boys clothes?

Mrs.sisa: um before tell you which clothes makes hyunjin's pretty?

Meakup artist: actually if he wear a girly dress and mekup it's making him princesses bcz he has a long hair too.

Mrs.sisa: hyun

Hyunjin looked his mom as a red eye he still crying. But didn't said anything. Mrs.sisa hug him

Mrs.sisa : plz don't cry married life is not bad hyunjin. And if you merry him you have an partner.

Hyunjin: how I live without you I didn't know there who is they and how is they . Why you Forse me like that , I m your adrovted son?🥺🥺

Mrs.sisa : Don't tell this.we marry you this guys bcz of your luck. Bcz we didn’t gave you time much before you grown up. We are very sorry. And you have a partner after marriage took care of you

Meakup artist: so hyunjin what do you want to wear?

Hyunjin: I don't know

Mrs.sisa : plz girly dress

Meakup artist: thank you for confirm me.

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