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Minho grabbed hyunjin's hair so tight And dragging him to Minho's room.
Hyunjin crying and said.

Hyunjin: plz don't hurt me p-plz

But heartless Minho didn't hear hyunjin and Minho pull speedly Pushed hyunjin on bed.

Minho: No one can save you from me today 😈👿 Jisung rejected me for you.

Hyunjin very afraid and crying so hard.minho close to hyunjin and Std to kissing hyunjin hungry motion 😰.

Hyunjin: let me go leav

But Minho didn't gave him chance.minho also kissing hyunjin's pinks lips with hard . hyunjin's lips cutting and Std bleeding down. Minho STD to kissing hyunjin's neck he giving hyunjin's very dark hickey.hyunjin can't move bcz Minho
Is more stronger than him.

Hyunjin crying loud and loud but luck is so bad .who heard his voice bcz no one is there home.🙃...

Minho threw Hyunjin onto the bed with a lot of force and jumped on top of him.and STD to forcefully takes of hyunjin's t-shirt,pants . Even Minho didn't notice hyunjin's lips bleeding.

Hyunjin: don't do this 😭😭😭😭
Minho:shut are my mind toy.

Minho STD to hungryly sucking hyunjin's nipple.hyunjin just screaming.hyunjin hissed on pain.and Minho undress him self wear condom.he is not kind of monster.

Minhos hard dick entering on hyunjin.hyunjin moaned loudly.
Minho smirk like devil.minho let out low groan hyunjin screaming was way louder.minho groaned out before adjust inside hyunjin and Std to thrust in him.

Hyunjin: s-t-t-tt-o--op. M-minho

Minho: fuck you

Minho so speedy punching hyunjin and slapped.
Hyunjin crying he felt so hyunjin nose STD bleeding.omo.hyunjin let out louder moan and Minho STD to laughing.

Minho lifted both the hyunjin's leg over his shoulder and Std going faster and faster.minho smirked again.hyunjin try to his best to hyunjin moving himself on minho.but Minho is Minho not kind his face has a angry facial expressions.

(😰😭😭Like this Minho hurting so much my jinnie)

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(😰😭😭Like this Minho hurting so much my jinnie)

Minho ignoore hyunjin's cry bleeding everything.he STD to another speed so  faster 100/1000 😰 (wow Minho tried to kill hyunjin)

Hyeonjin can't take it anymore and faints.but our Minho's revenge is not finished he couldn't stop .......

And finally Minho felt tired and move his dick and wearing underwears.but he didn't looking even hyunjin.

Minho going his room and sleeping happyly (wow🙂)

Next morning

Hyunjin on his naked bodies.he couldn't moving himself.he manage to sitting and he sit.he slowly grabbed blanket and hide his naked bodies. His face has a bruised Cut injury.he STD to crying his face on his knee crying hard and hard.he never thought Minho being monster bcz of his. boyfriend.hyunjin try to go washroom.but failed bcz Minho so much hurting him.he has no energy.again crying and he again fainted.

No one's pov:

Minho sleeping peacefully.but some noise broke his sleep.he heard someone knocking door.

Minho: who's fucking knocking my door.

But Minho Forsefully go and open the door he saw jeongin and seungmin
.jeongin  screaming and hug him.

Jeongin; hyunggggg how are you.

Minho: uh fine and you ,

Jeongin: fine hyung look my boyfriend seungmin is here .we will marry in next month

Minho: oww come on .

They going to there room.and talking

Seungmin: where is hyunjin?

Minho: don't know

Seungmin: you are really savage and why you didn't know .

Minho : shut up he is maybe die if you didn't like my home you goo.

Jeongin: stopped arguing really where is hyunjin

Minho: fuck up bitch how I know?

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