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Seungmin: hyunjin

Hyunjin; umm

Seungmin: meybe he wants to apologize you.

Hyunjin; no he never

Seungmin: yes he wants

Jeongin; meybe he like you ,btw today we going to our home bcz Mon dad call me

Hyunjin: what who help me then

Seungmin smirk

Seungmin: your husband

Hyunjin face getting red bcz he also liked minho.then hyunjin has no word he acting like he sleeps.

So they left the room.

Jeongin: Minho hyung we need to talk.

Minho: sure.

Jeongin: we will again go back again

Minho: oh.

When Minho hear this his face has a cheeky smile

Seungmin; do you like him?

Minho : no

Seungmin: you are so bad to keep lying you have chance take care of hyunjin

Minho : um if he didn't forgive me!

Jeongin: plz

Minho: okk

So they going out the home.minho STD to walking on hyunjin's room.hyunjin is not sleeping.he saw minho.but didn't do anything.

Hyunjin: w-w-where is s-seungm-,in

Minho: they goes ,do you need something?

Hyunjin: u-umm

Then Minho come to hyunjin on close.

Minho: you can tell me.

Hyunjin: s-sh-o--we---r

Minho: shower?

Hyunjin cover his face bcz he is scared

Minho: come on, can you forgive me if I help you to showering

Hyunjin shocked and uncovered his face.he saw minho's innocent face.he again fall in love with heartless Minho.

Hyunjin:- fo-forgive?

Minho: plz I don't hurt you don't stuttering

Hyunjin: yeah I will forgive you before you promise me you can't never hurt me again

Minho : yes promise

They pinky promise.minho just staring on cute hyunjin.then Minho lovely and carefully touching hyunjin.and Minho carrying on hyunjin bridal style.

Hyunjin I getting so red .

Minho: hyun

Hyunjin: umm Hum?

Minho: if saw your body again can you mind

Hyunjin: akward but you already seen my holl body

Minho smile and start showering hyunjin.with so carefully.hyunjin enjoying so much playing with bubbles.minho is so happy to see

Hyunjin is so happy.then Minho dressed on younger.and carrying him on table.

Minho make a so many different food.and STD lovelt feeding hyunjin.

Hyunjin: I thought you heartless but not you.

Minho: yeah heartless for you now give me kiss

Hyunjin getting so shy more and more.

Hyunjin: what?

Minho: nothing

Minho STD using all of flirting with his love and feeding him like mama bird.

First time hyunjin

forse marriage {hyunho}Where stories live. Discover now