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Some one's pov

Seungmin really want to know where is hyunjin.bcz seungmin know how is hyunjin.but minho cut and change the topic

Seungmin and jeongin start to walking with Minho full home.

Seungmin: I don't know Minho what you doing for my jinnie.

Minho looked seungmin with big angry eyes.but suddenly jeongin hears some sound. Like The sound of something falling.

Jeongin: hey guys do heard something is falling

Seungmin: yeah

Minho ignoore.but seungmin began to be doubted . They are so close in hyunjin's room. And seungmin notice anything and he run to the room.

Jeongin: hey hey

But seungmin going to hyunjin's room and he screaming out.minho and jeongin going to hyunjin's room.they saw seungmin grabbed hyunjin and Std crying. Seungmin saw hyunjin's body has so many bruised and injury.

Seungmin: hey hyunjin, hyunjin plz open the eyes what happen 😥

Jeongin is very shocked to see hyunjin.and Minho is just standing on jeongin.

Jeongin quickly run on hyunjin they saw hyunjin is senseless.seungmin quickly Dressed him. But luckily hyunjin slowly open his eyes.he trying to smile and talk

Hyunjin: he-y s-s-e-eu-u

Seungmin getting more sad he angryly looking minho's

Seungmin: I m here I m here hyunjin no one can't hit you.

Seungmin Put him to bed.but quickly hyunjin STD to cry and he tightly hugging seungmin.his head on seungmin's shoulder

Hyunjin: I -i c-c-can--t t-take i-it a--ny--m---o---r--e

Seungmin try to claiming hyunjin, jeongin next to sit hyunjin and trying to apply medicine to his wound .

Minho is standing on door he saw how hyunjin servive the moment.i don't know what happened to Minho .he has no dare to come hyunjin.

Seungmin: hyun can you tell me what's happening who doing this for you.

Hyunjin looking Minho and crying hard seungmin understood who doing this.

Hyunjin: m-minho

Minho's eye down . He feelings guilty.bcz he never doing this anyone before.minho slowly come hyunjin.but jeongin stopped him

Jeongin; chih hyung chih I never expected for you.

Minho feelings more guilty bcz his younger said this to him.

Seungmin came and said.

Seungmin: jeongin how do you expect this son of bitch . You try to kill innocent hyunjin? Bcz of your boyfriend cheated you ? Wow Minho wow

Minho shocked

Minho: how do you know this?

Seungmin: what do you mean,What do you think of yourself? Rich , strong,?you are such an heart less broh

Jeongin: we know hyung jisung cheated you on 6 month!when you going to confess your love on jisung.Seugmin and I went for a walk the day we were there

Jeongin: but I saw you and jisung there without hyunjin.and I told seungmin. We thought following you.and we can do it.and we heard your all conversation.

Now Minho getting embarrassed and feelings cry bcz how his younger brother talking on his face.

Seungmin: Minho you are shameless you are shameless,you and unless animal has no difference Animals are better than you .

Unbeknownst to Minho, tears began to fall from his eyes . First time he didn't say anything bcz he deserve it he doing this hyunjin for bad. In his head they began to enter like a car.

Jeongin notice and stopped seungmin.
Minho staring hyunjin.and falling tears.he saw how hyunjin is he doing hyunjin.

Minho STD to walking.feelings more crying.

Seungmin: bitch I tell the truth and now you going to hear more you diserve?

Minho: take care of him

Minho run outside.

Minho's pov:

I m going to meet my frnd felix.he saw I m crying.

Felix: hey Minho what's up uh hey you crying?

Minho : Noh

He hug me and sit me in chair

Felix: what happen Minho ,did something wrong?

Minho : I don't know I want to die 🙂

Felix:plz tell me all.

Minho: do you know I marry hyunjin

Felix: yeah then what's wrong?

Minho: jisung break up me and cheated me on 6 month

Felix: what the hell

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