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Minho messed hyunjin's hair. And every students like girls are laughing so loudly. Hyunjin getting so scared he watched and shaking

𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 :

Hyunjin : p-pl-z l-let m-me go

Minho : aish 😂 how dare you babe?  How you tell me that. Girlss can i boom boom him ( boom-hit👊)

Girls screaming : yooep darling 😺

How bad the students they are 🥺 they watched minhi hit me but no one come to help me why no one like me 🙂

Minho close to my face He holds my hair painfully it's so hurt I felt my eye has a tear. He pushed me on floor

Everyone laughed like devil and Minho and his partner also laughing.suddenly seungmin came and he saw hyunjin on floor. He can't stand it. Hyunjin tearing up his knee is hurting and blooding everyone didn't help me

And laughing.seungmin going to hyunjin

Seungmin: hyunjin what happen Who did this to you?

Hyunjin: m-minho hyung

Seungmin looked Minho terribly eyes and help hyunjin to stand up seungmin slapped minho's face.

Seungmin: how dare you to hurt my friend ? Who gave you dare ?

Minho : seungmin before said who gave you dare to slapped me ? Your dare is so grown up huh

Seungmin: your brother

Minho : seungmin you didn't know what happened to your future

Hyunjin shaking and said

Hyunjin: m-minho hyung p-plz have not done anything to him plz don't punish him for me

Minho Pulling Hyunjin's collar and said

Minho : so ready for your life 😈

Seungmin said "hyunjin plz don't scared him I m here with you "

Hyunjin: seungmin can you plz help me to go wash room?

Seungmin: ofc you are so innocent hyun

Seungmin help to hyunjin and hyunjin crying and said

Hyunjin: why me why ? What I don't? anything is wrong? Why everyone also played me on bully .

Seungmin: plz hyunjin don't get hurt your self I m here you can know me as your best friend.

Hyunjin: really?

Seungmin pinky promise with hyunjin

Now hyunjin smiling

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