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Hyunjin is senseless and hyunjin's head on minho's shoulder.but minho thought hyunjin acting ( heartless Minho).so Minho said

Minho : stop your fucking acting bitch

And Minho pushed hyunjin on floor.hyunjin Hyunjin lay on the floor.hyunjin eye is closed.he didn't move.but Minho didn't notice that and Minho going to his room.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 :

I thought he I don't care.i m going to my so first I took a shower.i wear a comfortable clothes.i m so hungry I m walking to downstairs.but i saw I It is just as I left it . It's weird so I m slowly going to next him .I slowly said

Minho : hyunjin, plz don't acting much.

But I saw he didn't moved and didn't say anything so I touch him and so his eye is closed. Omg finally my I understand that he is senseless.i m scared what happen too I quickly carry him. And I sit him on my car.

I m STD to driving bcz I m going to hospital. So I STD to full speedly driving.then we quickly go on hospital.

We are on cheek him and admite on hospital.a few minutes later.finally doctor come to me and said

Doctor: is hyunjin's family here?

Minho: yeah I m his husband.what happen to him?

Doctor: he is so weak and meybe he didn't eat few days.

Minho: omo.when he released .

Doctor: not much bad situation so if you want he can go home.

Minho : okk ,but don't say him I'm here

Doctor noded. um actually I didn't want to he knows I m here.bcz I didn't nurse coming

Minho: excuse me nurse

Nurse : yes?

Minho: can you plz give the car key on hyunjin room no:10?

Nurse : yeah

Minho: thank you .and if he ask you who will give you a key you can give you.


So nurse going to hyunjin cabin.hyunjin is wake up .

Nurse: you are hyunjin right?

Hyunjin: y-yes

Nurse: mr.lee give me a key on give you this key !

Hyunjin: oh thank you ,but where is he?

Nurse: he is gone

Hyunjin sadly replies:okh can I goo?


So hyunjin STD to walking on car.but he shocked when he saw Minho still sit on car.

Hyunjin: h-hey

Minho looking around his back

Minho: oh so finally you come.

Hyunjin:n-Nurse s-said y-you g-gone.

Minho; Noh plz don't stuttering

Hyunjin: you h-have dublicate k-key?

Minho: hum

Hyunjin: oh

So hyunjin sit on pesenger sir but Minho stopped him

Minho: come on sit with me

Hyunjin: r-really

Minho: hum

Hyunjin sit on next Minho.minho stopped the car on restaurant.

Minho: follow me


It's already 9:00 night

Minho choose one table on eat.minho order some food.

Minho : soo I want to say something.

Hyunjin: y-yeah sure

Minho : first of all sorry.2nd of all :you know I also bullying you.but I don't like you .if my friend knows that I marrying you they tease me. But I will say my frnd

3rd of all I love han. I can't live you with my same bedroom.i can't behaviour like husband.if you agree my all rules the I didn't really hurt you

They eating.hyunjin thinking something.

Hyunjin: if I accept your all things , will you live me peacefuly?

Minho: hum

Hyunjin sadly said : thank you I didn't like you too this is actually Forse parents deal with your parents so it's not my fault.

So they left the restaurant

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