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"you don't have
to find the perfect
words, just tell me
what you're feeling.
i'm here to listen."

in which Eleanor finds comfort in slow love


In which Eleanor's dad wants to be her wingman after she confessed that the curly haired boy is cute.

„it's just... no one
has ever done that
to me. It feels nice."

Eleanor McRae
➥ the university student

Eleanor McRae➥ the university student

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"You're kinda cute. You know.. only kinda."

Lando Norris
➥ the cute boy in a race suite

Lando Norris➥ the cute boy in a race suite

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"She's so smart. And she smells so good. Like flowers or something"





hi there!
I'm so happy that u choose to stop by and giving 'wingman' a chance to be your new fave story.
You won't be disappointed. Just kidding, I just hope you like it as much as I do.

I didn't choose a face claim for Eleanor cause I want you to use your imagination. But I'd love to hear what you what face claim you'd have chosen.:)

I wanted to let you know that I'm german/dutch which means that English isn't my first language.

I do love the English language and that's why I decided to write this book in English. If there are any grammar mistakes I'd be happy to get to know them. I'm trying my best :)

I guess I also see this as a way to improve my English.

Another thing I have to talk about is that this is the first book I've ever wrote and published so please be gentle :)

I don't know our man Lando or anyone else.
All the information about the characters that truly excise may won't be correct but it's just a book, isn't it?:)

I guess that everything I wanted to say.

And now, have fun with this book and enjoy reading!

Lots of love
Maren 🧡

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