Part 31 B

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After he was done with Rose's call his phone again started ringing with the same wiered ringtone....

Jungkook just sighed at this

Taehyung accepted the call and turned on the speaker by himself

"Taetae why are not home son..? are you alright dear", Mrs.Kim said in a horse voice as she was crying earlier

Taehyung cleared his throat ....composed himself and answered in a soft voice

"Yeah I am alright mom....I am just coming home" Jungkook was eyeing his moments how this boy his handling this situation

"Okh son come fast I am waiting "Mrs.Kim said

"Mom I will come home in 10 minutes" Tae answered at which Mrs. Kim hummed and cut the call

"Taehyung just come fast ....there is a ice-cream shop near by we can buy can have it after reaching home...ok" Jungkook said in a calm voice and without waiting for any reply he dragged the confused boy with him towards his car....and made him sit inside

Taehyung was feeling happy inside as he was going to have ice cream but at the same time he was feeling burden that he is making trouble for this professor

In less than 2 mins his car stopped infront of a small icecream parlour....soon they got out of the car...

"Taehyung which flavour would you like to have", Jungkook asked

"Strawberry", Taehyung replied

" strawberry and one chocolate chocochip please" Jungkook said to the young boy standing on the counter

Soon they took their ice cream and sat on the bench beside the parlor

By now taehyung was immersed in having ice cream while Jungkook was busy staring at this pretty creature...soon Jungkook started having his own ice cream in order to divert his mind...he was happy that he was able to lift the mood of his pretty little disaster

Jungkook just had a lick of about 4-5 bites but taehyung on the other side finished his whole cone

"Professor Jeon you are so slow" Taehyung said giggling at the slow pace of his cold professor

On hearing this Jungkook just diverted his attention to this little being only to encounter the site of giggling taehyung

"Hey..!! I am not slow you are fast..!!" Jungkook said still having his ice cream

"Nooo I won...I am fast..----I am fast u r tooo slow professor" Taehyung said and started laughing

"I am also fast in many more you want me to show you that" Jungkook said and pointed at a couple who were hungrily kissing each other under a tree holding ice creams in their hands ....a little away from the icecream parlour (It was dark under the tree..they were hardly noticable)

Taehyung started coughing

"U know Taehyung I can lick many other things at more faster pace" Jungkook said licking his icecream....
While Taehyung was still coughing looking at the couple

" I - I " Taehyung sluttered

"I told you don't test me.....I can show you the worst", Jungkook said and glanced at that poor coughing boy

"Pro-professor mom must be waiting for us....we must leave early " Taehyung finally said something

"Oh yeah just collect these flavours from the parlour..." Jungkook handed him his own mobile phone which had the list of icecream his family members wanted to buy for themselves....

Taehyung quickly took the phone and money and rushed inside the parlour with his leopard speed.... making Jungkook chuckle

Soon Jungkook finished his icecream and dropped Kim Taehyung to his place...

The next day Taehyung didn't go to the college he planned to spend his day with his family....

They had a wonderful time together .....

And now the weeding day comes....

The weeding

In the morning: weeding will be done

In the evening: Reception will be held

......To be continued.......

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