Part 11

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"Let's fix the marriage date", Jin said..
"I think before fixing the marriage date I think my tae and Jungkook should have a private conversation", Mrs.Kim ssaid nervously and which Jin widened his eyes and tae visibility gulped
"Yeah sure" Namjoon said with an assuring smile
"Go tae show take Jungkook to the tarace " Mrs.Kim said to tae at which Jin gulped
"Mmm--eee" he said pointing a finger at himself he said eyeing Jungkook
"Yes you" Mrs.Kim said
"Yes yes---coo--ome Proff-- I mean Mr.Jeon" Tae said nervously at which Jungkook hummed and got up


"Good Evening Professor" tae said nervously
"Hmmm"Jungkook said
"Please have a seat" Taehyung said nervously
They sat on the chairs
Jungkook cleared his throat and said,"Are you ready for the marriage...?"
"Ha ha Professor...I am ready...why will I deny....? " He said laughing nerveously
"Are you nervous is anyone forcing you", Jungkook asked sternly...
"Why will I be nervous...I am not scared of you"tae said nervously trying to act confident
"Hmmm....I can see that.." he said eyeing tae's hand movements
"So ar you ready for the marriage PROFE----ESSOR ..?"Tae asked
"Ohkk hmmm ...I am ready "Jungkook said
"Ohk then we should leave" he was about to get up ....but Jungkook held his the sudden touch tae widened his eyes and unknowingly his heart rate increased profusely....
"Wait..!!, Taehyung you know that this marriage is sort of a promise that was made by our grandparents.....soo hmmm...I am not sort of ready for a relationship..but ...I will do each and every responsibility a husband is bound to carry out...form now you are my even after these things are you ready to marry me??" Jungkook said in a very calm voice

Taehyung was kind of in relief that Jungkook don't want any relationship any soon ....he is also thankful that Jungkook cleared his thoughts before marriage...then he said nervously....
"Yes I understand Professor....My mom and my grandmother are very happy for my marriage..I don't want to hurt them by any of my actions....I appreciate that you conveyed your thoughts to me prior to our marriage....but I already agreed for the marriage so no back off"

Jungkook smiled lightly at Tae's answer and gave him a nod...

"Taehyung I also want to warn you something...I have very bad anger issues so please if in case we get married just don't trigger me ..!!"

"You devil you are always triggered...why do I need to trigger you Mr.Active volcano " Taehyung said in his mind

"I understand Professor " he said with a tight lipped smile

"Thanks for listening Taehyung.... let's leave now it is quite dark now" Jungkook said leaving tae's hands

"Sure Professor" Tae said at which Jungkook hummed and they left downstairs

"So tae son are you ready for the marriage" his mom asked as soon as he came down

"Yeah Mom" Tae said shyly and looked down

"And you Jungkook"
"Me too Mrs.Kim"Jungkook said in straight voice

"Let's have dinner now...I will set the table" Mrs.Kim said
"I will help you Yuna" Jin said

On the dinning table

" I think we should hold the marriage the coming Saturday " Mrs Kim said
"Yeah sure" Jin said with a cheerful voice

"Soo first we shall have dinner....and with time we can discuss other things as not much time is left for the marriage...we need to hurry " Grandma Kim said while eyeing grandmother Jeon who nodded

They had a peaceful dinner after that they discussed weeding date, weeding venue and marriage contractors and further more things...

Then they left to their home grandma Jeon runs an orphanage so she can't stay any (she left the script for now okh)

At Jeon Mansion

As soon as they reached Jungkook left to his room to sleep as it was already 11:30 but suga, Namjoon and jin were sitting in the living room giggling and reminding previous incidents...

"I thought Taehyung will deciline for the marriage seeing my devil brother" suga said at which Jin and Namjoon glared at him

"How could you say this about your own brother", Namjoon said giving him a disbelief look

"Oh only said he is like this from childhood why are you giving me this look now", suga said with a bored expression

"Thank God ...Mom already found a groom for that brat as I was not able to find the rope ...I searched it for almost 3 days...the last day I searched in the store room... Mom arrived at the same day and saved me form spending 250rs for buying a new rope" Jim said and sighed

"Are you still thinking of that rope sucide " Namjoon and suga said giving him a disbelief look

"Why not I was pretty serious about my plan..and I am pretty sure that Jungkook would have agreed by my satellite rope "
"It's sucide Jin"
"Dad what is----"
"OH SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU ....I KNOW MY PLAN WAS BEST NOW SHUT UP AND GO TO BED" Jin said and dashed to his room leaving the father and son duo dumbfounded

......To be continued.....

I am pretty busy these days so....

Sorry for late update guys...🥲

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