Part 60

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The next days were peaceful ones they both got more comfortable with each other...with each other's presence... holding hands was the most common thing for the couple..

The small arguments are still seen between the couple....taehyung is now somewhat less afraid of Jungkook...and he is still trying to decode the new feeling is feeling near his husband....

Every night the couple cuddle each other....because of the so called witch

The couple was doing well in their life...
Taehyung was studying well while Jungkook is just doing well with his Job...

2 weeks later.....

Morning 8:15....

A regular day at Jeon House hold....

Jungkook is sitting on the couch tapping his leather boots looking at the big clock in the hall ...
Namjoon left for the office
Yoongi is on a business trip
Jin is gathering the plates


The Jeon Taehyung is late as he woke up late...

He has not showed himself in the hall yet...


making Jin flinch hard

"SON why are you can ask the maid's to call him down" Jin said in a pissed voice

"The maid called him 2 times....this boy never comes down unless and until he hears my voice" Jungkook said in a frustrated voice

" But son -----"

"PROFESSOR I AM HERE" Taehyung came down panting fully dressed

"Oh Tae you came......come son have something today I cooked Idli sambar " Jin said and glanced at Jungkook only to see his son glaring at the poor soul

"Wait son take these biscuits to eat with you car" Jin said and offered a packet of oreo biscuits to tae

"Papa just ask the maid to pack that idli in the tiffin for Taehyung" Jungkook Said still glaring at taehyung...

"Yes yes papa wait I will tell her to sit..." Taehyung Said and rushed inside...

This boy loves idli a lot...OK...
And Jungkook knows this....🤭

Soon they were sitting inside the car...
Jungkook was driving and taehyung was having his breakfast

"What is this taehyung...this is 3rd time in this week that you are this late.."

"I know" Taehyung Said stuffing idli in hid mouth only to receive a glare from his husband

"Yeah I know that you know...but this is not done right...I have a important meeting today....but see I got late..."Jungkook said in a pissed voice

"Ohh I am really sorry Professor...but my dream was too good..he he" Taehyung Said only to receive a glare...

"I guess this is the last time we are going late in this year" Jungkook said in a stern voice still driving

And this was the couple was somehow on time for the college....Jungkook quickly got our of the car and locked it...he quickly went inside the college...

It was 8:45 when the couple reached the college...

Taehyung with slow and steady pace went in his classroom......

He went in his class only to see his friends looking at him waving their hands...

They were seated on their usual place...
Jack with Rose
Hobi was sitting leaving a place beside him empty....
Taehyung went to his side And sat beside him

I am Sorry ProfessorWhere stories live. Discover now