Part 14

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Inside Jungkook's Cabin [3:30 - after school]

Taehyung was in Jungkook's cabin sitting right infront of him and Jungkook deadly staring at him with clenched jaw ...
"Professor I really apologize for my mistake....I didn't complete my homework" saying this he looked at his lap and closed his eyes tightly

"Did I ask you about your homework " Jungkook said in a straight voice raising his one eyebrow

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"Did I ask you about your homework " Jungkook said in a straight voice raising his one eyebrow

"Nooo but I just th---"

"Do you have a boyfriend Taehyung ..?", Jungkook asked in a dark voice anger dripping on each word he was pronouncing

Taehyung widened his eyes at this question....why in the world will Jungkook ask such questions....

"Sorry...?", Taehyung asked him to repeat the same question

"I don't repeat...!"he said with a straight voice

"I--I " he don't why he was sweating and sluttering....words were just stuck in his throat

"You what Taehyung ", Jungkook said closing his eyes to control his anger...and leaned back on the chair

"N--NO I DON'T HAVE ANY BOYFRIEND " He shouted loudly and stood up making Jungkook flinch ...but soon he composed himself and sat straight

"WHY ARE YOU YELLING", Jungkook shouted standing on his place

"S--oo--rrr--yyy I mean Sorry professor....I don't know but I guess it was a involuntary action" he said and facepalmed at his own words


"who will tell this devil that seeing his delightful face my sympathetic nervous system gets activated and all my voluntary actions turn into reflex actions"he said in his mind

" I am sorry Professor " Taehyung said closing his eyes tightly and being ready for another burst out.... But out Jungkook closed his eyes in frustration...not receiving any reply he peaked by opening his one eye

Jungkook took a deep breath and sat on his original position before continuing further

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Jungkook took a deep breath and sat on his original position before continuing further...
"Sooo....I called you here ask you something ..!",Jungkook said
"What", Taehyung asked nervously at which Jungkook sighed
"Who was that boy Taehyung "
"Which boy"
"That boy who was being touchy with you in the canteen and in the hallway"
"oooohhh....he is my friend Jackson...we are just friends...h--he is not my b-boyfriend " Taehyung said at which Jungkook raised his one eyebrow

"okhh....good for now.....But ask him to stay away ......I don't like touchy people" Jungkook said in straight voice

"But that dosen't matter he is touchy or not he is my friend......and why will he touch are his Professor---he will not touch you" Taehyung questions with a confused face at which Jungkook closed his eyes in frustration

"You may leave now Taehyung" Jungkook said

"But Professor I----"

"I don't like people talking back to me and also the one who questions my decision leave before I increase your homework from 20 times to 40 times" Jungkook said at which tae picked his bag and was running out of the cabin but he collided with the door with a loud thud

"YOU LITTLE KID .... CAN'T YOU EVEN SEE SUCH A BIG DOOR", Jungkook said getting up from his place loudly yelling at tae....Tae just cursed himself for dragging himself into such situations..

"I AM SORRY PROFESSOR", He yelled and ran out of the cabin with the speed of light

Taehyung was soon greeted by his friends who were waiting for him in the garden...

"H--How was it Taehyung" Rose nervously

"Better" Taehyung said and sighed

"DON'T WORRY LIFT YOUR MOOD TAETAE WE WILL GO TO THE ICE-CREAM PARLOUR....YAH...!!!!!",Jack said gaining their attention trying to lighten the atmosphere

"Yes let's go", Taehyung said and Jumped happily clapping his hands

"OOOWWOOOWW Taetae you are a real foodie.....Yes let's forget about that devil and celebrate our Today" saying this the trio went to the ice-cream parlor holding each others hands...[Tae in the middle and Jack and Rose on eaither sides]


The trio was sitting on the corner table sharing and eating each others ice-cream

"So tae tell me more about your Hubby", Rose said at which Tae chocked his ice-cream


"Y-Yes yes tell me more about ...what is the name of your hubby...his Job..his age...." Rose questioned

"H--His n--name....h--his n--ame...yes...his name is 'JEON KOOK '..."

"Wow he has a unique name and he is a Jeon that's a good surname....seems like name of a dynasty....I guess I heard this surname recently but I don't remember where....well..... it suits well with his name" Jackson said having a spoon of ice-cream Rose appeared to be thinking someting deeply

"Y--YEAH a preety unique name my hubby has.." he said nervously

" And is is same age same as you", Jack asked

"Nope he he---he ---he yeah--he is 18 years old" Taehyung said at which Jack and Rose dropped their spoons

"HE IS YOUNGER THAN YOU ....MEANS YOU ARE THE TOP " Jack yelled and covered his mouth at his own words and Rose was still shocked to utter anything

"Taetae with this body how will you be able to top a guy I am really worried for you"...Jackson said eyeing small frame of taehyung...making Taehyung furious by hurting his male ego

"Don't think I am weak.....You don't know me yet.....I will soon show you how strong I am" Taehyung said in a confidence laced voice ....Jack and Rose just gulped looking at the small boy's confidence....

.....To be continued......

I am Sorry ProfessorWhere stories live. Discover now