The Pity Party Extends To

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Title: The Pity Party Extends To

Date: April 18, 2011

You love me

And yet

You don't want me

This is what hurts the most

You love me

But not enough to keep being with me

And that's what hurts more

You love me

And yet you pull away from me

Every wound is like a knife in my chest

Digging deeper

Pushing in the rest

Every wound burns a little more

But the moment of happiness

That little piece of joy

Is worth the pain

And worth the ache

Because for you

I'd gladly take

Any torture and any hurt

Letting it swallow me

Until it burnt

Every limb and every organ

As long as I get that little piece

Of happiness I so desperately seek

I go through it willingly

I take the pain without remorse

And still no matter how I try

It never seems to work

And still I put myself through the agony

Of letting my heart be ripped out

It's not your fault

I know it's not

Simply put, it's mine

But I promise I'll never give up

No matter how many times

You tell me to stop

To finally give up

You tell me it's no use

There's always a use as long as I

Feel the way that I do

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