11. love you

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Maeve's eyelids feel so heavy that it is difficult for her to open it, taking in the light of the place, when her eyes manage to adjust, she notices that her head is resting on Derek's legs. She looked around at hers, The white walls, the blue lights, Metal seats where her legs rested.

The burning that she feels in her own eyes shows that she has cried, keeping in mind her crying on her boss's shoulder as a memory.

Be patient. 

She catches a glimpse of a sign with a fluorescent red cross drawn over the words.

Maeve holds her head, sitting up in her chair, realizing she was in a hospital ward.

— You okay?— Morgan asks as he sees her get up.

— Where's Reid?

The door to the next room opens, revealing Hotch. He closes the door behind him.

Maeve stands up.

— Reid? — Hotch looks behind the door and exchanges glances with Morgan. She turns looking for an answer in the eyes of her friend and looks back to the front.— Hotch?

Aaron cocks his head toward the door for her to enter.

Maeve walks into the room as fast as her clumsy steps allow, shutting the door.

Morgan had gotten to Spencer's apartment before anyone else.

Spencer had relapsed months ago, relapsing coincidentally the same night Maeve showed up. That morning when Morgan went to his house to try to fall asleep, he had sent a message to his partner.

There's someone new on the team

it's the craziest story since García.


Message which was ignored by Spencer, but the boy was awake; With a vial of dilaudid in his left hand and the right hand holding the needle. The relapses were constant, followed by short periods in which he felt clean, but they were not more than two months. When Maeve was at his house, he knew it was hard to hide anything from her, not only because at that moment they were sharing things, but because the girl was smart, she could tell at any movement.

The time that he was injured was a longer period, since he was clean there was not a day in which he felt that he was no longer needed, however, when his reinstatement in the BAU was present, the dilaudid was his relief, it was his escape from any minimum Stress, not being able to leave it at home knowing that Maeve was snooping around, each vial was always next to his body, inside his bag, with each step, possibly closer.

The doses were decreasing as the days went by on their own, Spencer found less and less sense in consuming it. However, he wasn't clean, there were always those little days where his work seemed to consume him.

Morgan arrived. The scene he saw was the vials and broken needles. Spencer was in a fetal position in front of them. With Blood on his fingers due to clumsiness, and anger by breaking them against the ground, accidentally cutting some fingers. Morgan cleaned his hands and lay down next to the boy, promising him that he would be by his side. Hotch entered minutes later.

By the time Maeve arrived, the scene was confusing. Spencer was engulfed in Morgan's arms and she only thought the worst.

The girl cried like a little girl until she fell asleep in Hotchner's arms.

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