21. thanksgiving

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— I'm home honey. — Maeve shouts as she enters Spencer's apartment.

She chuckles at the nickname. The girl takes off her coat and walks to her boyfriend's room, where she finds him lying on the bed.

What exactly the last few days have been like.

Spencer's fall was just one of several repercussions in which his leg has been a victim. The boy now had a license and could barely stand, the doctor says that in a matter of time he would be walking again, but he would need a cane to do so, at least for a while.

But Spencer needed help with most things, walking, going to the bathroom, even showering.

He must also keep moving at least once a day so as not to atrophy the muscle. It's a kind of therapy, Maeve helped him by walking around the apartment next to him, leaning on his shoulder.

— I brought pizza for dinner.

— Maeve. — he tries to scold her but she just smiles. —We had pizza for dinner the last night.

— So?

— We can't keep eating this every day.

— As long as I'm in charge of buying dinner, we'll have dinner whatever I say. You are my submissive now. — Spencer has no choice but to shake her head and accept.

Spencer was sitting on the couch watching interstellar, Maeve was lying with her head on the boy's uninjured leg, he caressed her hair slowly with his eyes fixed on the screen.

Maeve's gaze seems lost, despite watching the movie, it was a fact that she was not paying attention.

She turns around, making her head look down at Spencer this time.

— We are where we started.

— What do you mean?— Spencer looks down at her as soon as he hears her speak.

— Once again you, You have an injury. — Maeve sits up to sit next to Spencer this time. — And I'm staying at your house.

Spencer grimaces, thinking and analyzing the situation.

— Yeah, that's what it seems.

— I think I'm kind of a black cat to you. — Maeve comments, laughing.

— Do you know Murphy's law? —Spencer asks.

— Vaguely. —She admits.

— Murphy's Law: If something can go wrong, it will go wrong. — Spencer pauses the movie. — Murphy's law does not mean that something bad is going to happen, — Not only did he explain, but he quoted a part of Interstellar, Spencer loved that movie and can know the dialogue better than anyone else. — Actually, if something can happen, it will happen.

— I rather like to think that I'm like a bad luck cat.

Maeve says, making Spencer laugh, but causing him to bring her lips closer to whisper: 

— You're not bad luck.

The only difficult thing was letting her go in the mornings, because Spencer pretended not to have heard Maeve's alarm, pulling her every time she tried to stand up, making Maeve late for work from time to time, once in a while earning her a scolding from Hotch.

— It is funny. — Maeve says, still on Spencer's lips. — I wouldn't have thought that i would be dating you after shooting you. Well, I don't think either of us had thought about that at that exact moment.

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