15. couple secrets

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— How are you doing Maeve?

Garcia, Prentiss and JJ were approaching their friend. After that strange night. The brunette smiles before answering Prentiss' question.

— Hi, girls. Sorry for leaving like that the other night, I had...a panic attack.

— We are here for you if you need anything. — JJ says this time. She was always the one who could best express feelings of understanding towards someone. — We have something for you.

Garcia puts a gift on Maeve's desk, She frowns.

— I...I didn't know I was supposed to bring a gift to the party.

—Of course you shouldn't. — García responds. — It's a gift from JJ and me.

— We made one for Prentiss too.

Maeve looks at the gift confused and decides to open it, dragging the wrapping with her fingertips revealing a frame, Maeve turns it and it shows a photograph.

They are García, JJ and the two newest girls on the team: Emily and Maeve. JJ and Emily being the center of the photograph and García and Hunter at opposite ends.

— You said they were emotional dates for you. —Penelope says.

—And we thought about, You know. — JJ shrugs. — Do something for you, Remind you that you have us.

Maeve feels a slight knot of guilt forming in her stomach. Although she had acted the night before to escape a situation, it does not make it any less true that Maeve often wished she were not alone.

— Thanks girls. —She says in a low voice.

— You can cry, Prentiss cried.

— García!

— Did I lie?

Maeve stands up and embraces her three friends in an emotional hug, something clicks in Maeve's mind and she pulls away.

— When do the four of us go out?

JJ had barely rejoined the team, and although she was being very close to Prentiss, Maeve has no memory of the four of them going out together.

— It's photoshop. — García answers simply and they all laugh.

On the other hand, Nobody had seen Gideon since yesterday, His absence was beginning to worry Maeve, He needs his space away from the BAU, At some point everyone needs space. In some other part of the office were Spencer and Morgan, who had not been seen that day either, however they all agree that if they came to work, they are just busy.

— I gotta go. — Emily announces.

— Where do you go? —Garcia asks.

— Uhm. With Strauss, there are some things I must tell her.

—Has anyone seen Hotch? — It's Maeve now who asks when the black-haired girl is leaving.

— This unit seems to be getting smaller and smaller. — JJ says.

— Hotch actually...— Maeve and JJ turn their heads towards Garcia. — He will request a transfer.

— What?

— Garcia tell me you're kidding.

— Wait, will he leave? —Maeve's expression has changed to one of disgust. —Isn't it supposed to be put to a vote to have a new unit head?

— Not if he's the one who asks for it.

— I'll go find him. He can't leave me. Who does he think he is?

𝓬𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now