12. tell him the truth

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— Hunter!

García shakes her friend's chair, scaring her away, even dropping her headphones. Maeve was at her desk finishing some reports.

— Jesus, García. What's happening?

— The unsub has the team.

Maeve gets up and follows the older one to her office, Emily was there. Garcia had a live broadcast of what was supposed to be the wedding of ''Matthew and Sarah.'' All with the order of Hotch, who asked for surveillance of the place since neither Gideon nor he would be present to save appearances. just Morgan in case things were bad.

Upon locating the monitor Maeve manages to see the silhouette of Spencer with his hands above his head, Morgan along with another man whom she did not know were being held by the unsub

— Hotch is watching this. — Emily informs Maeve as she comes to her side..

—Penny, what can we do?

García denies frustrated answering:

— Nothing. The church is alone without counting them, there were supposed to be no guests, no exposure to danger which is good, but Spencer...

— What? What about Spencer?

— The unsub tries to make him confess for his sins but he won't give in.

— What about Hotch and Gideon? — This time she turns to Emily, waiting for her to have the answer.

— We don't know why they haven't broken into the place yet.

— We have communication with them?

— Not with Jareau and Reid. — The black-haired woman answers again.

— Sir. — García was speaking to Hotch through the microphone. — Are you okay?

— Here we are Garcia. — he answers, looking at his screen having the same vision of what the girls see now. —We don't know what he wants.

— If we break in now our agents would be in danger.

That was Gideon. Maeve was dying to answer him with an effusive ''hi!'', she has missed him but now is not the time for this.

—Are we just going to stand idly by? — Emily protests to the loudspeaker, but Hotch does not respond to her complaint.

Everyone's eyes returned to the broadcast image: If it wasn't for the situation, JJ looked like the perfect bride. The dress she was wearing was not so tight on her body, Maeve was surprised that they would go to so much trouble in a fake wedding, But even so, that dress, reminding her of one of those delicate but beautiful petunias, looked like the typical dress. Straight out of a fairy tale happy ending, her hair pulled up in a low bun and a purple bow decoration matching Spencer's outfit. Breaking out of the traditional black tuxedo, Spencer wore a purple suit dark enough to be identified at first sight, a bow on his neck with a greyish checkered pattern.

— Fess up!— the unsub yells at Spencer's face. —Tell your sister the truth!

The man pushed JJ by the shoulders, pulling her closer to Spencer, Morgan seemed to be about to explode from how he treated her. It was a matter of time before the agent lost his temper.

— I do not know what you're talking about. —Spencer's voice was barely audible.

— Don't tell it to me, tell it to her. — The weapon held over JJ's stomach didn't make the situation any easier.— They are two vile and repulsive worms. —Pushing the gun further into her skin, making JJ scream thinking he would shoot.

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