The Rise of the Last Alchemist

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Geo after his fall into the abyss, finally wakes up, feeling a big wind on his back, slowly opening his eyes and facing the immensity of the blue sky and its clouds, a little confused with the situation and the annoying noise of the wind blowing in your ears doesn't let him think straight.  After a few seconds he notices something strange... he doesn't feel the ground, just the wind, when he turns to the side with considerable speed, he finally realizes... he still hasn't reached land, because he was falling from the sky.

Geo - ". . . I'M FALLING!"

Geo in desperation starts to squirms in the air, making him turn completely, making him see the place below, where he was falling there seemed to be a forest, he looks a little further on the horizon and notices a coastal town not so far from the forest.

Geo - "Okay, ok... calm down... I revived and was brought here by God... I'm just a normal person... I think, did he tell me something about 'Equal Exchange'? I don't understand that , but well, the best thing to do is-"

Before he could finish his thought, Geo fell into a branch of a tree, one thing about the forest that Geo didn't realize was that the forest was a forest of giant trees, so he reached one of the trees quickly.  When hitting the branch, Geo started to fall and go hitting from branch to branch as if it were a ball in a Pachinko machine, until at the moment he gets caught in some vines, but still going to the ground, stopping to fall at the last moment , coming very close to the ground.

Geo - ". . .Nice way to arrive in a new world, eh? . ."

Geo starts to move to detach himself from the vines, which ends up happening, making him fall backwards on the ground, a bit bewildered, he sits on the ground with his back aching.

Geo - "Ouch... that was quite a fall... but it didn't hurt as much as it should have."

Geo moves his arms a little, seeing that he was still whole and everything functional, he gets up and goes looking at his body, noticing that his clothes were different, they were green clothes, why those clothes?  camouflage in the woods?  Geo again sits on the floor and remembers the bag that God gave him, which was on his waist at that time, he then decides to take a look at God's gifts.  Upon opening the bag, he is faced with his first item.

 Geo analyzes that item, a little confused, but soon realizes what it was about, it was his Driver to transform himself into a Rider, but it was very different from how he imagined, and very simple compared to what he remembers

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Geo analyzes that item, a little confused, but soon realizes what it was about, it was his Driver to transform himself into a Rider, but it was very different from how he imagined, and very simple compared to what he remembers.  Putting that aside, he puts the Driver aside and looks deeper into the bag, finding a few more items.

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The Last Alchemist Rider [English]Where stories live. Discover now