The new Hunter Pt.1

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After Oscar's conversation, Geo goes to his temporary residence and prepares his things to sleep and leave for the Academy test, which he had no idea how it worked, however, "it couldn't be that difficult , it is not?"  Geo thought, and after packing his things, he threw himself on his bed and fell asleep.  After sleeping, Geo in his dreams feels a great tightness in his chest, making him almost breathless, when looking ahead, he sees again the letter that he saw a year ago when he arrived on Starlight Island, when trying to reach it, Geo falls from his bed causing him to wake up instantly.

Geo - "OOF! . . . damn. . . how long has it been since I had this dream? It's so strange. . . and now. . ."

Geo gets up and looks at a wall clock that was there, when he looks at the time, he realizes that it was past the departure time of the train that would take him to the Academy.  After that, with all his speed along with Golddash, he arrives only to see the train going far away on tracks suspended in the air, leaving him behind alone at the station.

Geo - "Damn! Why did I oversleep? and now how am I going to get there?"

Geo while looking at the train leaving, he hears a train whistle noise, when he looks where it came from, it came from his Deck, and thinks of something obvious to think about, the Steamliner!  He could use the Steamliner as transportation there, so with that thought, Geo pulls out Steamliner's card and summons him to the train tracks and climbs on him.

Geo - "Alright Steamliner, follow the tracks! Just don't do anything to harm the other train..."


Soon after this, Steamliner starts running on the tracks following the train at high speed, and in order to avoid hitting the back of the train car, Steamliner creates alternative tracks to be on the side of the train.  Seeing this, the students inside the train are amazed and surprised after seeing Steamliner next to the train, both because of Steamliner's strange appearance and because of the fact that he is creating tracks to move next to the train.  The students try to see if there was anyone on the train, and notice Geo inside it, and they keep looking at him and some trying to get his attention, until someone recognizes him and calls him by name.

???  - "Geo?"

When Geo looks at who called him, he realizes that it was an acquaintance from two years ago, Marin, a friend from Starlight Island, he soon waves to her with a smile.

Geo - "Yo! how long-"

Before he can speak, he sees Marin jumping from her train window to his, desperate he tries to hold her, but she flies right into his face, making him fall to the ground and right on top of him.

Marin - "Geo! how long! I missed you so much, so are you really going to become a Hunter?"

While she was asking him questions, Geo was basically dead on the floor.

Geo - "Marin. . . get off of me. . ."

Marin - "Ah! sorry sorry!"

Marin soon gets up and helps Geo to get up, and then scolds her for jumping from one train to another without any prior warning, after apologizing, they both sit on a chair and start talking to kill the time, as Marin looks inside the Steamliner cars.  After a while, both trains arrive at the gym, a giant gym where there were already several students walking through the entrance, after both getting off the train, Geo returns Steamliner to his card, leaving several students somewhat confused and surprised by that.

Marin - "I think you're attracting too much attention. . . don't you?"

Geo - "Yes. . . but it was the only way, I was late."

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