The New Hunter Pt.2

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After saying it, it doesn't take even a second and can already hear the noise of an explosion in a corner of the Arena, along with several noises of metal clashing and several other noises, leaving the small quartet a little confused as to what to do from there, now that the first test had already begun.







The four stand there, still processing the information of what just happened, but after a few moments, Geo puts the goggles on his face and advances with all his might towards a crowd that was facing each other.

Geo- “I’m not going to stand still, let’s go!”

The rest of the group looks at each other and agrees, each running to a different corner of the arena to fight a random group.

So, going into Geo’s fight…

He arrives at a huddle of people fighting, with a simple flying kick to the face of one who flies away.  The rest who were in the fight, look at him arriving like that and landing on the ground.

Geo- “Okay… who’s going to be next?”

He says this by pulling the Card Buster off his back and attaching a Chemy Card to it.


And with a simple cut in the air, he makes a gust of wind that blows away many opponents, but some manage to hold on to the ground, one of them with a hammer tries to hit Geo with an attack from top to bottom, but Geo dodges by jumping to back, then climbing on top of the big sledgehammer, and delivering a big Bonk to the opponent's head with the blunt part of the Card Buster, making him disappear from the Arena.

Geo- “Minus one, missing…”

Geo takes a quick look around.

Geo- “.  .  .  several."

Jumping to some of our colleagues in the distance, Marin and Ikki.  Both of them have been surrounded by some enemies, and are fighting against them together.

Ikki- “What a small world, don’t you think?”

Marin- “Maybe, we stopped at the same place!”

Ikki dodged a sword that came at him, and retaliated with a punch to his opponent's face, while Marin took a light blue cartridge and attached it to the briefcase, grabbing a part of the ground with the hook and pulling it with all her might, forming a large gust. of ice that momentarily freezes some opponents before they disappear.

Ikki- “Oh… so this is the power of the cartridges?”

Marin- “Eheh, I loaded up a lot of power on that one, so it made a big BOOM!”

Ikki- “I see…!”

Ikki speaks while kicking one of the opponents in the face, then holding the other's sword with his gauntlets, deflecting the blade and heading towards the user, giving him a headbutt that makes him disappear instantly.

Marin- “Wow, you’re pretty strong, right?”

Ikki- “A little, I train… a lot!”

Ikki kicks another guy, who is soon pulled into the air by Marin's hook, which causes him to be thrown to the ground.

Ikki- “Nice!”

Marin- “I’m not going to leave the fun to you alone!”

She soon inserts another cartridge, a light green one, and then presses a trigger on the case, throwing several opponents away, but some plant their weapons in the ground, creating a barrier of earth, but Ikki advances, using the wind as momentum, giving a kick at the walls, breaking them, getting behind the opponents and giving a beautiful Lariatti, taking them out of the Arena.  Ikki and Marin look at each other, giving a thumbs up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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