A journey through the new World Pt.1

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After leaving the city, Geo travels to the nearest city, normally a trip that would last 4 months on foot normally, but thanks to one of his cards, Steamliner, he manages to summon the Steamliner train, making the trip last much less than it should, lasting only 2 months, as Geo avoided using Steamliner to not cause confusion and also explore his surroundings.  In the meantime, Geo managed to learn more about how to use his Alchemy, combining the 4 elemental circles, he can manipulate any material that surrounds them with the circle, also creating a stone sword to protect himself, even though he is good at melee, fighting empty-handed is quite problematic, in addition he gets a new Chemy called Venomdake, a cluster of giant mushrooms.  After 2 months of traveling getting to know the surroundings and himself, Geo finally arrived in a city, it was more of a village than a city, but it was already something.

  After 2 months of traveling getting to know the surroundings and himself, Geo finally arrived in a city, it was more of a village than a city, but it was already something

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Upon arriving there, Geo begins to explore the surroundings, being the first thing to look for an inn to settle there for a while.  After finding and establishing his room, he finally begins to explore the village, seeing various fruits he has never seen in his life, as well as new races, not very different from humans, being more mixed race, like humans with slight or large animal features. .

Geo - "Hum. . . there's quite a variety of half-breeds, but apparently nothing too out of the ordinary-"

Before he could finish thinking, he is hit by something on the back of his head, looking at what hit him, Geo sees that it was a group of children looking at him with a look of strangeness.

Geo - ". . . What is it? Is there something in me?"

Child 1 - "You are strange! You have white hair! You look old, but very young!"

Child 2 - "Uhum! you are not welcome in our area!"

Geo - "I'm not going to obey a bunch of brats, go climb a tree or something."

Geo waves his hands and starts walking again, and again, he is hit by rocks on the back of his head, he turns his gaze back to the children, angrily.

Geo - "Ah, if that's how it is, how about this?!"

Geo takes a pen from his pocket and quickly makes an alchemical circle on the floor, stepping on it, making the floor below the children become totally uneven, making the children unbalanced, confused and scared, running away, leaving Geo alone.

Geo - "AHA! How about that? Geo's power! Hahahaha!"

Geo laughs for a few seconds, and then stops, thinking "why am I arguing with children? I got so childish like that?", getting a little embarrassed, he fixes the floor again and starts walking again.  Exploring the place, he finds a blacksmith shop that manufactures weapons and items, interested, he goes to take a look, being impressed with the weapons of the place and the items made.  Until a man called his attention, a tall and robust guy, with a brunette, with red hair and beard, apparently he was the local blacksmith.

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