A Journey through the new World Pt.4

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When Geo touches his foot on the Boy's chest with the kick, an immense energy is released, a reaction of alchemical energy from the Finisher's power next to the boy's body causes a giant explosion that throws both to opposite sides, with Geo being thrown into the air, which him soon disappears at the same moment, and the boy who is thrown away with everything on the ground, making him immediately faint, Geo, on the other hand, ends up somewhere else.  .  .




After the intense fight with the mysterious boy, Geo unconscious, without the strength to wake up, travels in his thoughts, remembering the battle several times as if it were an endless dream.  Until in the middle of the battle being repeated, he hears two voices, he can't really understand what the voices are talking about, until a third voice arrives, looking a little furious, without paying attention, he continues the fight in his dream, until the mysterious boy hits him with everything in his stomach along with a scream.

???  - "WAKE UP!"

Geo with the blow to his stomach wakes up quickly and scared, looking to the side quickly, when looking at his stomach, there was a wooden board that was probably what hit him, next to it was a tall girl with cyan hair, along with a boy one with black hair and a girl with golden hair, but not being able to see their appearances properly, but looking at the place, it seemed to be on a beach.

Geo - "WHAT. . . WHAT EVER CONTAINED YOU?! Did you need to hit me with a piece of wood?!"

Cyan - "Didn't I say he would wake up?"

Blonde - "But that hurt him!"

Dark hair - "Yeah. . . and he doesn't look happy. . ."

When Geo was about to get up to see them properly, but he fell back to the ground with his entire body in pain thanks to the last fight, it felt like his entire body was broken, it was unbearable.

Geo - "Argh! . . my body . . . it hurts so much . . ."

Blonde - "L-Look what you did! Now he's all sore! Didn't you see his condition?"

Ciano - "My bad! I didn't think it would hurt so much, you asked for a way to wake him up, and I did it."

Dark hair - "I'm going to call --- to take care of him!"

Before he can hear anything else, Geo passes out again on the beach sand, becoming unconscious again.

After an unconscious time, in his mind, Geo feels as if he were falling into water, plunging into the abyss, until he arrives on solid ground, when looking ahead, he sees a card that had an X in the middle, next to it. trying to get close, a light blinds him, making him slowly wake up and return to the real world.  After waking up, Geo looks around, seeing that he was in a room, without understanding much and confused by what happened, he slowly sits on the bed he was in, with his body less painful than before, until someone enters the room. fourth, it appeared to be a woman with purple hair, dark clothes and purple details.

 fourth, it appeared to be a woman with purple hair, dark clothes and purple details

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