The beginning of the real adventure

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There are legends of an ancient world, where humanity and its creatures lived in peace, without monsters, dangers or anything like that, but from the same place that humanity emerged, out of nowhere, monsters appeared that hid in the darkness and attacked and devoured them without pity or remorse, these creatures were named.  .  .  Shadows, coming in different shapes and forms, seemed to be impossible to fight against an unshakable force like this, but little by little, the creatures of this world began to evolve, and become more intelligent and skilled.  .  .  discovered an energy, a powerful energy coming from the earth and its crystals, the Primordial-Geo-Energy, thanks to this discovery, three different types of studies emerged, where one was lost in time, while the others continue to this day.

The study of magic, where upon discovering more about this energy, they discovered that they could replicate it in a more versatile way using their body's own energy, being a study that involves the user's spirit and mind.

The study of technology, for those who were unable to obtain the power within themselves to use magic, were able to enjoy Primo-GE in weapons, creating various equipment using this energy through cartridges, depending on the type of energy, giving an effect different for the weapon.

And the forgotten study.  .  .  Alchemy, which studied both sides, magic and technology, however.  .  .  using a natural law for everything, the law of equivalent exchange, that nothing is created from nothing, but rather, from something else, "destroy to create", one of the phrases that many used to describe the use of Alchemy, however it was soon changed, "Reconstruct and Reform", being used for the fact that Alchemy always reconstructed something else and reformed it into something new.  With the study of Alchemy, they managed to create creatures that could go head to head against the Shadows, the Chemys, creatures created through Alchemy, being created several and several.  .  .  but not at a cheap price, making several Alchemists go missing, but thanks to their efforts, the world managed to fight on equal terms against the Shadows, however.  .  .  Human maliciousness contaminated the Alchemists' creations, creating a Chemy of pure hatred and malice. Because of human greed and malice, many Chemys went crazy, becoming creatures as savage as the Shadows, but isolated.

After a long time, humanity managed to establish itself in this world, fighting almost on equal terms against the Shadows, but not against the Chemys, who didn't even dare to move, just avoiding conflicts, thanks to these great efforts, humanity and its other races prospered. to this day, creating gigantic civilizations with their technology.  .  .

However, returning to the current time, one year after Geo left the island, the current location being a city on a beautiful night, without many problems and peaceful.

However, returning to the current time, one year after Geo left the island, the current location being a city on a beautiful night, without many problems and peaceful

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A boy in a green robe was walking the streets with headphones in his ears, listening to music on his cell phone without worry.  However, something caught his attention, a car was coming in front of him at high speed on the street, being chased by other cars, these being the police, it appeared to be a police chase.  The boy just watched calmly, seeing the car pass by his side, which the boy soon disappeared.

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