A Journey through the new World Pt.3

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Geo, after some time in the city, around 2 months in it, found a temporary job and a temporary place to live, working in a cafe, which he had a lot of fun with, as well as learning new recipes there.  During her stay there, she learned more about Primo-GE and the Hunters, but now is not the time for that.  Seeing Angel sometimes while walking, but not interacting with her for now, in addition to buying and testing Primo-GE cartridges, which were very useful for him, being something pure energy.  After this time of researching the world and its things, he decides to leave for the next city that was very far from the place, following the tracks with Steamliner.  The path seemed very deserted, and it was already night, so the place was very cold, inside one of the wagons, Geo was preparing some food for him and his companions, being his Chemys, despite being materials to be able to transform and fight, they were also living beings, obviously feeding Steamliner with fuel, as he was the one who worked the most and helped on the trips.  After a while of traveling, Geo was already dozing in one of the seats on the train, until a tremor occurs, causing Steamliner to change direction to the side, causing Geo to fall from the seat and fly into the wall.

Geo - "Steamliner! Are you okay?!"

Steamliner - "STEAMLINERRRR"

Geo - "Uh. . . apparently something stopped us?"

Geo pokes his head out, only to see a wall of sharp rocks in front of the tracks, and along with it, a boy in front of the wall, a boy with pale skin and white hair, just like Geo, as well as his red eyes, but With black surroundings, he appeared to have scars all over his body.

Geo pokes his head out, only to see a wall of sharp rocks in front of the tracks, and along with it, a boy in front of the wall, a boy with pale skin and white hair, just like Geo, as well as his red eyes, but With black surroundings, he appeared ...

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Geo - "Uh... hey? Is everything okay there?"

Boy - ". . ."

The boy doesn't respond, making Geo a little confused, making him speak again.

Geo - "HEY! Is everything okay there-"

Boy - "Chemy . . . is this . . . a Chemy?"

Geo - "Huh? the Steamliner? yes. . ? how do you know-"

Boy - "Chemys . . . in the hand of a human? an . . . Alchemist?!"

The Boy puts his hands over his head, shaking himself.


Geo - "Uh. . . I think he's not right in the head. . . So! I don't know you, if you have a problem with the Alchemists, it's not my problem, goodbye! Time to get lost, Steamliner!"

Before Steamliner can run, the Boy appears in front of the window where Geo was standing and pulls him out, throwing him away from the carriage.  Geo maneuvers himself in the air, falling to the ground, rolling, and then standing up straight.

Geo - "Steamliner!"

Geo looks at where Steamliner was, Steamliner seemed to be intact and was already maneuvering to get to Geo, meanwhile, the Boy was running at full speed to Geo to get there before Steamliner, Geo pulls one of the cartridges out of his pocket, placing in the palm of his hand and on the ground, making the floor of the place a bit uneven, and soon after, several pillars appeared in the boy's path to prevent him from getting close, it seemed like a dead end for him.  Geo was a little surprised and impressed, mainly due to the power of the cartridge with his Alchemy, in addition to the boy with his tremendous strength, several doubts appeared in his mind, "Who is that boy?" "How does he know about the Chemys? and the Alchemists?", but before he could think straight, he could hear the noise of the rocks being completely broken and a huge hole in the middle of the pillars appear, while the boy advanced towards Geo, but quickly Steamliner ejects one of his cars where the boy was and pulls Geo away, creating rails in the air. Geo climbing on top of one of Steamliner's wagons sighs and thanks him, thinking that the boy wouldn't follow them up high, little did Geo know how wrong he was.  Geo sees a stone pillar appearing on the side of the wagon with the boy on top, Geo notices blue sparks coming out of the boy's hand that was on the pillar, realizing that that was what he was doing, Alchemy too, first of all, Geo pulls one of the blank cards, causing Steamliner to return inside her, while doing so, the Boy advances towards Geo, creating a hand of boulders out of nowhere, punching Geo directly to the ground.  After this blow, Geo is a little disoriented, but soon awakens, transforming into Gotchard and falling hard to the ground, forming a crater.  Geo gets up and moves away from the crater, seeing the boy fall into it, getting ready to confront him.

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