Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to Hillary Thompson, thank you for your support!

Amma's POV
'Beep, beep, beep', my alarm rang for the second time in a row, normally I will just switch it off and go back to sleeping but today marks the end of the holiday and it is time to prepare for that hell hole called school, if you know what I mean, of course you won't since we don't attend the same school but I just assume that school is like an hell hole for most kids today.
Sorry, I ramble a lot and I forgot to introduce myself. I am Amma, I'm 17+, and my hobbies are reading novels, singing and eating (and no, I'm not fat or chubby).

I have light brown skin with blue eyes which have flecks of hazel, my black hair is a bit curly and shoulder length and I had pouty lips. I am 5ft 3 inches. I set down my clothes for school- a sweatshirt, denim trousers and converse-, get into the bathroom and have my bath, washing my hair with my blueberry shampoo. I come out of the bathroom, put on my cloth and decided not to wear makeup since I always thought I looked just fine without it (all girls should think like that), I grab my cap and leave my room.

Heading downstairs, I see my dad reading a newspaper, 'so typical' I thought, my mum was making breakfast. My parents both run the company so they don't really have to work every morning, I want to be like them in the future having people work for me and all that. "Good morning" a deep voice beside me interrupted my thoughts, "Good morning" I also greet my parents, I look beside me to see Ayden, my big brother, he isn't the best big brother ever but he is a good one at least. "Good morning" they greeted back," come have breakfast you two" mum said, I sit next to my dad and Ayden sits next to me and we have breakfast- toast, bacon and eggs.

After breakfast, I carry my backpack and was ready to walk to school, it wasn't too far from my house, "hey, let me drop you" Ayden says, "no thanks, I can mange the exercise" I tell him," C'mon let me drop you, we don't really spend so much time together, so please" he says giving me his best puppy dog eyes which probably needs lots of work, " Fine" I accept. We get into his car and he drives off playing 'bad guy' by Billie Eilish,, I like Billie Eilish but I am not really a fan, as if knowing this, Ayden asks me what song I wanted to listen to " any BTS song is fine" I say, I am a huge fan of BTS, people call me obsessed but I don't really care, and I love them so much, I have every one of their songs on my playlist, "you really like BTS hunh" Ayden says "not like, love" I reply elongating the 'love' word, Ayden chuckles a bit and pulls up in front of our school.

- Westwood high- the school for the rich kids and scholarship students, if your parents had low class jobs like baking and stuffs you wouldn't be able to attend the school, sometimes I wished it wasn't my school because of Christiana and her minions. Last year, she spilled her food all over my new hoodie, she thought I was getting all the 'attention' due to my brother being popular, my hoodie turned out so bad I couldn't put it on again.

Ayden gets down and opens the car door for me, not that I mind, I get down and pull my self together, ready to face any tricks Christiana had up her sleeves this time. "See you later lil sis" Ayden says ruffling my hair, he skips in to school while I walk slowly towards the entrance, I put on my face cap and go in, typical school I thought, students telling each other what crazy thing they did during the summer or what new brand of shoes and clothes they got, I go to my locker and started unpacking my books " Boo!" a voice says "ahhh!" I shrieked already in my best karate pose till I saw Ashwyra, my best friend, she had brown skin a bit darker than mine, grey eyes, curly hair and is half Indian, she bursts out laughing seeing my two fists and a leg pose, at least that was the only pose I knew since I skipped most classes of karate in middle school "hey, that wasn't funny, I almost fainted" I say smiling a bit, "c'mon it was just an harmless prank, and you should have seen your face" she says laughing again, I ignore her and take out my notebooks, since she was still laughing, I headed to class and looked for a good space to sit, I settle down in the middle because I dint want to be labelled a nerd by sitting at the front and a slacker by sitting at the back.

I look around to see the students in my class then my eyes spotted Christiana and her minions, I quickly put my head on my table but Maggie already spotted me, just then I heard chairs shifting which means they were coming over to me, their footsteps were approaching closer when I hear the chair beside me shift and I raise my head " sorry for pulling that prank on you" Ashwyra says, "its okay, besides-" I was saying before Christiana slams her expensive manicured hand on my table "well if it isn't lil miss Watterson and her minion" she says with a fake smile "yeah" Maggie says while Christiana rolls her eyes, " look here Christabelle or whatever the fuck you call your self, we are in no mood for your trash this morning so pack it up and leave" Ashwyra replies, also with a fake smile while I chuckle, Christiana's face turns red " its Christiana you bitch! girls leave them for now" she says " you haven't seen the last of us" Maggie adds before Ashley drags her and they go sit at the back. After they were gone, I and Ashwyra burst out laughing at how they can be so childish and stupid, few seconds later, the teacher comes in to the class " settle down, settle down everyone, as you all know its a new term which means..."


"Shoes on, get up in the morning cup of milk let's rock and roll" I was singing Dynamite by BTS before Ashwyra taps me "keep it down a little" "oops, sorry" I remove my air pods and begin to munch on my food "sometimes I wonder why school was created in the first place" she says as she starts to eat her food " yeah, but without it, I might have never met you" I say and it's true we became besties in middle school, "aww, I love you too, so what do you want to do about miss blondie over there" I look at the direction she was pointing just to see Christiana glaring at me before some one taps her and she looks away.

I look back at Ash and sigh "I don't even know why she hates me so much" "I just think she probably has a crush on your brother" "what? that cannot be possible" I exclaim, "just saying, like you never know" "if she really likes my brother, she wouldn't be so mean to me" I say "true" Ash shrugs and takes another bite "but look at what she is doing now" I look back and see Christiana trying to sit on Ayden's lap while playing with his jacket, but he pushes her off him, I turn my head back to Ash "that doesn't mean girl, you know how Christiana is" I say to her "ok then, let's go for classes" she tells me "aw, I feel sad right now cos we don't have P.E on Mondays together" I say making a sad face, while we were walking out of the cafeteria, Ashwyra smiles "I'll miss you too, let's go now."

I returned home feeling really tired, unfortunately for me Christiana was in my P.E class and we had to team up for dodge ball, Christiana and Maggie were on the other team and Christiana was being a full time witch as most of her balls were hitting me, I had to lie to the coach that I needed to use the restroom.
I entered my house and there was no one at home, my mum might probably be out for some groceries and dad might have gotten a call from work, Ayden and Ayan were obviously still in school which leaves only me.
I change out of my clothes, have a shower, poured some lemonade juice and sat down to drink, just then a message pops on my phone, it was Ashwyra:
Ashy: hey, din't see you for the rest of school 2day wassup?
Ammie: yeah, am sorry for leaving like that but Christiana was being too much.
Ashy: what did she do again?
Ammie: at P.E, we were told to team up 4 dodge ball nd she was aiming most of her balls at me, she threw one on my belly really hard so I couldn't take it.
Ashy: sorry 2 hear that, u should hv told me nd we would hv shown that bimbo hu is boss.
Ammie:☺️, tnx I already used some painkillers and I feel sleepy, do u mind?
Ashy: ofc not, go on hv a gud rest, bye love.
Ammie: byee.

so what do you think about the characters so far?
Christiana is such a bitch, buh her POV is next. Enjoy!🤭

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