Chapter 22

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Amma's POV
"So... how was it?" Vaeh asks while Ash nods, Ayden was driving us to school, "how was what" I ask in pretense, "the date, Amma" Vaeh says, "it was ok" I reply "that's all?, you guys haven't smooched yet?" she asks again.

"Oh Vaeh no one uses the word smooch anymore" Ash says face-palming herself while I chuckle, "yeah they do" Vaeh says with a pout, "nothing happened guys we watched a movie and went to dinner" I say, "details please" Vaeh says.

By the time I had narrated everything Ayden parks his car and we all go inside school. Ash and I head to history class while Vaeh heads to Math class, a little while later, Ashton and Luke come in, Ashton and I make eye contact and I wondered what could be going on in his head.

Was he still going to behave the usual way or will he be a little nicer? I thought as he breaks the eye contact and rolls his eyes, I guess my question has been answered, I sigh as our history teacher comes in.
The history teacher had announced that he would be grouping us for a project next week, he also mentioned that we were going to be partnered with the opposite gender, since 'that way we will improve our social skills and adapt to a mixed gender society', his words not mine.

I for one wanted Ash or someone friendly as my partner but we don't always get what we want, "while you were on a date with Ashton, guess what we heard" Vaeh says, "uh... Christiana no longer attends our school?" I ask with brows raised.

"guess again" Ash says with a smile, "I'm not so good at guessing games you guys" I tell them, although it would be really nice if she got transferred, "just tell her already" Vaeh says, "the school is hosting another field trip" Ash tells me, "why? not another one" I exclaim, I thought they stopped those.

Our school hosts a field trip every year and it was always horrible, the mosquito bites, the tents, the rules and whatnot, they sometimes refer to it as bonding time but we knew better and the after party was even worse.

There wasn't a field trip last year so I thought we were taking breaks from it, and I never attended the parties but rumors went around about happens and it was nasty.

"I was looking forward to it but Ash already told me how it is" Vaeh says with a pout, "you never went on field trips in your old school?" I ask, "nope, only volunteer missions", "really?" Ash asks with brows raised, "yeah, I once volunteered to work in a retirement home... that didn't go so well" she says scrunching her face which makes us laugh.

"why not?" Ash asks, "some of them were to grumpy and talked bad about our generation" she replies, "whoa" I say, "tell me about it" she sighs.
We were grabbing our assignments from our locker, when we suddenly hear people shouting and chanting the word 'fight!', Ash rolls her eyes before we walk towards the noise and we a huge crowd, I gently make my way through the hoards of people to see what was going on since standing on tippy toes did not help.

As soon as I get through I'm not surprised seeing Ashton and Evan fighting two other guys, Ashton's hair was messy, there was blood traveling down from his temple to his chin and his knuckles were bleeding, he was punching a guy who I barely recognized whose nose was now broken.

Evan had a busted lip and a fresh cut on his cheekbone, Luke quickly comes to pull Ashton away from the boy who barely seemed conscious, while Jacob struggles to pull Evan by his bicep.

The principal comes to the scene and a deep frown is etched on his face, "Lawson and Baker, my office now! You two included" he yells pointing at the other two boys and walks back to the direction of his office.

By now the crowd had deformed and everyone went back to minding their own business, before I made my way back to my locker, Ashton and I make eye contact, I could still see anger in his eyes as he stared at me, I quickly look away from him as he made his way to the office.
Mom and dad weren't at home at the moment and it was my turn to go grocery shopping so here I am driving the car to 'WOULDA-MART', yup, I know, weird name but who am I to judge?

I park my cardillac at the parking lot and on getting inside I grab a shopping cart to start picking the items on my list while ticking them off on my phone, "Amma?" a voice called and I was shocked to see Evan, he never really talked to me before.

"Evan hey, what are you doing here" I ask and face-palm myself, for asking such a question, he chuckles before replying "I'm here for the same reason you are" while gesturing to our shopping carts, "Oh ok, nice meeting you" I say trying to reach an item at the top shelf.

"do you need help?" he asks, "yes please" I reply so he could get it for me, he drops the item in the cart and I thank him which he returns with a smile, he was said to be the cold and rough one among the trio but he was actually pretty nice.

I was pretty sure Ashley wouldn't be so happy to see me interacting with her boyfriend though, "do you want me to get you an item from the middle shelf?" he chuckles before replying "no need Amma, I can get it myself", "ok, was just trying to return the favor" I say "you are pretty funny Amma, no wonder" he says as we both make our way to the cashier.

No wonder what? I thought, "I guess I'll see you around" he says after checking out, "same" I say before he leaves the store.

I'll be your blonde tonight,
  If that's what you like,
Stilettos and fishnets,
If that's what you like,
I'll be your hot mess, school girl in    curls,
Whatever your type, baby if that's what you like, I'll do it✨

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