Chapter 12

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Amma's POV
Today, Vaeh wanted us to have an ice cream day. I go downstairs, made sandwiches for Ayan, Ayden and my self with some strawberry smoothie to go with it and I keep theirs in the fridge since Ayden was still doing his morning workout and Ayan was asleep. After breakfast I drove off to Chilly whims ice cream parlor.

"How was the visit?" Vaeh asks after we had settled down with our ice cream, "it was ok" I plainly say, "although I met a really rude nurse, and he almost kissed me" I added and licked my ice cream, I look at both of them and they looked really shocked, Ash even choked on her ice-cream.

"What?, how?, why?" they both start to ask, "jeez, calm down guys, I'll tell you you everything", "okay, we are all ears" Ash says.

"he was in a sour mood, I just wanted to make him smile so I told him we should play a tickling game--"

"Oh my Goodness Amma, you and your tickling games" Ash cuts me off, probably remembering the last time we tickled each other so hard we almost peed ourselves , "I'm guessing this isn't even the first time?" Vaeh asks, "nope but let her continue though" Ash says.

"As I was saying, I offered to play a tickling game and immediately started to tickle him, but I noticed that he wasn't ticklish, then he started to tickle me and we both landed on the bed, next thing I know, he was leaning in to kiss me, that is until Nancy his sister came in"

"oooh, well if Nancy hadn't walked in, would you have allowed him to kiss you?" Vaeh asks

"I don't know" I say, at that moment when he had told me I had beautiful eyes, I could only think of the other person who I knew had the most beautiful green eyes, Ashton, he might have been a jerk but the few times he came close to me, I was able to see that his green eyes had flecks of brown, and I don't even know why but I just thought of him at that moment.

"so... Ashy tell me about you and Ayden" Vaeh asks giving her a playful wink, "oh there's nothing to tell" Ash says as her brown cheeks became slightly darker but there was a look of hurt on her face, "oh come on" Vaeh presses on, " really Nevaeh there's nothing to tell, he has just been behaving different"

"What type of different?"

"Like he dosen't wanna see me or talk to me, Amma did try helping but it did not work out"

"Don't worry, I'll try to help again" I say while Nevaeh nods her head, "what about you Vaeh?" I ask, "what about me for what?"

"Anyone caught your eye yet or is troubling you?"

"Caught my eye- not yet, but troubling- yes"

"ok spill" Ash says now smiling

"Its this guy during my lessons, I think his name is Luke, he sometimes make fun of my slightest mistakes or troubling/ annoying me"

"do you mean Luke Walter" I ask remembering the guy I told many times to not relate my last name with a cartoon

"Yeah, you know him?"

"we do" I reply

"Is he also taking lessons" Ash asks


"what do you mean sometimes?"

"I'm saying we both have lessons on Mondays and Thursdays, but he dosen't have on Wednesdays like me, sometimes he stays after school to practice for the football game a few weeks from now"

"oh yeah, I totally forgot about the football game" I say and its true, a lot of things have been on my mind lately, like how to get an A or B on my tests, or my birthday, or my assignments and bulky projects, I was also recently sick and I had to visit Jacob at the hospital, normal teenage stuffs right? sigh.

"well now that you have been reminded, you guys are gonna attend, right?" Vaeh asks

"why not, we have to be there to support our players" I say with a smile while Ash nods

"Good" Vaeh says, relief evident on her face. *****************

I get down from Ayden's car, and go into school, today, I was wearing a black cargo skirt and of course a blue top and sneakers,

I go over to Ash and Vaeh as I see them ahead, "Good morning" I say cheerily, "morning to you too, Ammie" Vaeh says returning my smile, "what's got you all cheery this morning girl?" Ash asks while bringing out her book, "I might have forgotten to...

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I go over to Ash and Vaeh as I see them ahead, "Good morning" I say cheerily, "morning to you too, Ammie" Vaeh says returning my smile, "what's got you all cheery this morning girl?" Ash asks while bringing out her book, "I might have forgotten to mention that Jacob was transferred here"

" Really? but you mentioned he was going to a boarding school called..." Ash trails off, "Mid summer Academy" Vaeh completes her sentence, " the video of him in the pool was seen, also he snuck out that day so they had known a student of theirs was missing during roll call" I say looking around as I finally spot him walking down the hallway.

"Jacob" I call and wave him over, he also spots me and gives me a small smile, before walking towards us, "I haven't properly introduced you to my friends yet, so - Nevaeh and Ashwyra" I say while gesturing, " Nice to meet you, I'm Jacob which I am guessing you already knew" he says smiling, "yep, considering she just -", Nevaeh was cut off by the bell ringing and we all head to our various classes. I was having art class later on and I dreaded attending that class because that was also Ashton's class but since he hasn't been attending it, I felt no reason to dread it this morning.

Jacob's POV

As soon as I stepped into West wood high, I headed straight to the office of students affairs, I knock on the door and the words 'come in' were heard from the other side, I step inside and I see a middle aged woman with a bob and a warm smile, "Hi there, you must be our new student, what's your name?"

"Its Jacob, Jacob Smith"

" ok, Jacob Smith" she mumbles typing something on her computer, "ok Jacob here is your locker number and your time table" she says and hands them to me, "Thanks" I tell her, "no problem, enjoy your day" she says and with that I leave the office. I was walking down the hallway when I heard a familiar voice call my name, I look up from my timetable and see Amma waving me over. I give her a small smile and walk towards her and her friends. Soon the bell rings and we all separate.

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