Chapter 18

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Nevaeh's POV
I was having really bad menstrual cramps and was in a bad mood but nevertheless I decided to attend my lesson.

I take out my books and headed to class, on getting there, I was grateful for the fact that the teacher had not stepped in but what annoyed me to the core was when I saw Luke putting a piece of gum on my chair, actually the gum was already there and he was bending over it.

I got so angry at the thought that he wanted me to sit on it, I walk over to him, "what the hell is your problem?, you are always so annoying and stupid that I wish you would just leave me alone" I yell at him, I was pretty sure my face was red from anger.

A few students in class were laughing while some of them 'ooouud', "that's what I get for trying to help? fine then" he says in an angry tone and goes back to his seat, help my foot, I thought rolling my eyes and changing my chair, not long after, Mr. Fishman comes in to take the lesson.

After the lesson was done, I started to pack my things as Luke walks out, I was about to leave too when a girl with black hair and thick rimmed glasses taps me on my shoulder, it was Angela, she sometimes took the bus with me and Amma had dropped her off a few times.

"erm... back then, it wasn't Luke that stuck the piece of gum on your chair it was mack and his friend, in fact Luke was just trying to get it off when you came in" she says and walks out of the class.

What!, she was just telling me that now?, I quickly run out to grab my bag and started to run after Luke, I go outside and see him walking towards his car, "Luke" I call out but he doesn't answer me, I run to catch up with him and I grab his wrist.

"Luke wait, I'm sorry" I say closing my eyes because of the pain in my belly had increased due to the running, he yanks his arm and starts walking again but I quickly run to stop on front of him, raising my two hands to stop him from going further.

"Look, I'm really sorry, I was just in a bad mood and I assumed you were the one that stuck the gum on my chair, until Angela told me it was mack, I'm really sorry I said those kind of words to you, sure, you are a trouble maker but you aren't an asshole" I say looking at him as I was trying my best not to fall but my body was to weak as I went limp and my eyes close tight expecting to hit the hard floor but I didn't.

I open my eyes to see Luke's hazel orbs and a small smile played on my lips happy that I didn't fall, "do you accept my apology?" I ask him while he helps me walk to his car.

He looks at me and that boyish grin appears, that smile that always allows girls to fall for him but not me, he was more of a player than Ashton and Evan, "yeah" he says buckling my seat belt and getting into the car.

Amma's POV
Next week Saturday is going to be my birthday, my friends and I had planned some of it and were almost finished, I had told Ash and Vaeh everything that happened between I and Ashton, I also realized that I had started to harbor feelings for him.

I told them about my feelings too but they didn't really say much, I was also surprised myself and I didn't want to admit it because it was a bit weird, they told me to just take my mind off him and stay excited for my birthday and that's what I was going to do but easier said than done right?

Today, the girls and I decided to go shopping for outfits incase of next week.
"Take this, and go try it on" Vaeh saus throwing a denim pleated miniskirt, adding to the bunch of clothes for me to try on, I lift the the skirt up in my hand, "Vaeh this is too short" I say checking it out, "duh, it's a mini skirt, besides you will be the main girl so you have to slay" she says lifting and observing more clothes.

I sigh in reply and add it to the bunch, Ash also comes along and throws a square neck ribbed croptop which lands on my head, "Now go try those on" she says pointing at the bunch and standing beside Nevaeh.

I go into the changing room and try on a pink side tube top but I didn't really like it so I tried on more clothes. After what seemed like an hour I finally chose the most decent outfit among the bunch.

I come out of the changing room and they squeal as soon as they both see me, "Amma, you are going to drop Jaws in that outfit" Vaeh says while Ash nods her head, I liked the outfit because it fitted nicely and looked good on me, even a tiny part me wished he could see me in the outfit but I shrugged it off.

Later, we all leave the store with our individual clothes and headed home.

I did not want to be in school today, why?, because I didn't want to see him, if I do I'd remember those hurtful words he said to me, unfortunately art class was next and I really hoped he wasn't going to be there.

I pack my things and headed to art class, I settle down and wait for Mrs. Morello by texting on the group:
Purple Vaeh: I thought he was d one so I called him stupid nd annoying
Ashy: Nevaeh, u shouldn't jump 2 conclusions 🤦‍♀️
Ammie: Ikr, so wt did he say?

I noticed that Mrs. Morello was taking a while to come to class, when the door later opens and she comes in with Ashton, "go have your seat Mr. Lawson" she tells him and he walks to his usual space, beside me that is.

I tear my eyes off him as soon as he sits down and Mrs. Morello start to teach, she tells us to arrange our materials and paint the first thing that comes to mind when she counts ten seconds.

My phone which was on the table vibrated every time a message came in, it kept on buzzing and I wondered who could be texting me since we were all in class.

I was about to put it on silent, when I hear a loud bang making I and other students jump a little, I look beside me where the sound came from and Ashton's stool was on the floor.

With his hands in his pockets he walks out of the class, Mrs. Morello tries calling him back but gives up when the brunette haired boy ignores her.

After art class was done I checked to see who had been messaging me and it turned out to be Nevaeh texting on the group, she mentioned that she was in P.E class, which is why she was able to text.

I keep my phone in my pocket and was about to head to my locker when Ashton suddenly drags me into an empty classroom and closes the door.

"what is your problem hunh?" he asks me slightly pulling his already messed up hair, I was so confused, "you intentionally did that right?" he asks again taking a step towards me, the way he was behaving was confusing me right now.

"what are you talking about?" I ask, "don't play dumb, you wanted me close to you again, by making me know someone was texting you?" he says furrowing his brows, "you wanted my attention isn't it?" he asks again.

"I did not know my phone was on vibrate, I didn't even realize it was disturbing you so much" I tell him, "you could have just told me it was disturbing you, and I would have kept it on silent" I add.

"yeah?, so you could have kept texting your boyfriend in class" he says, boyfriend?, "I don't even have a boyfriend, why are you even behaving like this?" I ask raising my voice a little and looking at him.

Then his facial expression turns into that of a bored one like as if he is suddenly frustrated and tired of talking to me and he leaves the classroom slamming the door.

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