Chapter 5

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Amma's POV
Yesterday I had bruised my elbow, but I got it plastered and then I had a really bad headache from hair pulling, I took few meds and came to school. I wanted to text Ash yesterday but I wasn't able to because my phone was well... destroyed, that jerk owed me an apology.

I was unpacking my things when someone starts to tickle me, I was really ticklish so I started laughing, I begged Ashwyra to stop when I started gasping for air, I knew it was her cos she knows how ticklish I am.

While she started unpacking her things I tell her everything that occurred whilst she was in detention, "wasn't Ayden there to help?" she asks a bit concerned "No, they had a football meeting" "I'm so sorry" she says looking at my elbow and rolling down my sleeve.

"its ok, I mean I do need an apology but not from you"

"hmm, where is that bitch btw?"

"I don't even want to know, I want to meet that jerk who broke my phone after school... back me up?"

"why not" she says and I hug her "thank you" I say "let's go for English now" I add as the bell rings.
Miss Lillian was our English teacher and she was a nice woman in her late thirties, but she is quite strict with her rules. Currently, Ash and I are in her class and thank goodness those three boys didn't have today's class with us.
I was thinking about how to tell my dad about my phone when the door opens and a girl comes to stand in front of the class, next to Miss Lillian.
Mrs Lillian clears her throat while putting a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Everyone, I want you to welcome our new student, introduce yourself"

"Hello everyone, I'm Nevaeh Collins, I'm 17 years and I'm from Australia, I hope we can be friends" she ends with a smile. She was really cute, she had brown eyes and her hair was dyed purple which complimented her medium skin, she also had a piercing on her nose,. "Go take a seat" Miss Lillian says and she takes the seat a few meters from Ash.

"Hey, Nevaeh come sit with us" I say when she was looking for a place to sit and we are just two on the table. "thanks" she says "no p" Ash tells her.

"Anyways, I'm Amma and this is my best friend Ashwyra" I introduced she wanted to introduce herself again but we told her we heard her introduction in class, "no wonder you knew my name" she says smiling, she was cuter when she smiled.

"Why did you transfer to our school?" Ashwyra asks, "My mom decided we move here" she says as if she dint want to talk about it, "o...k, but why din't you come yesterday?" Ash asks since yesterday was Monday, "our flight got delayed" she says and our mouth forms an 'o' shape.

"Can you guys give me the preps of the school? Maybe who to avoid, show me around, the rules" she asks glancing at us "sure" I reply.

"First, I think you should avoid Christiana and her minions - Ashley and Maggie -, she is like the 'queen bee ' of the school and the captain of the cheer team" I say

"Her parents also made a lot of contributions to the school growth, Ashley's parents also helped but not as much as Christiana and Ashton" Ash says, "What about Maggie?" Vaeh asks

"You don't really need to worry 'bout her, she is just a wannabe, if you can defend yourself you will be fine" Ash replies and Vaeh nods, "anyone else to avoid?" she asks

"You don't really have to avoid these ones, they don't bully, only when you get on thier nerves" Ash keeps talking as she throws her food wrapper in the bin while I was still eating my food.

"Who is they?" Vaeh asks and I subtly point to the three boys at the popular table "Ashton, Luke and Evan" I say as I was pointing.

"They are man whores except Evan who is dating Ashley, this time they are all wealthy and not pretenders".

"What class do you have next Nevaeh? I ask when I was done with my food," I think I have Math with Mr. Fishman" she replies "that's Ash and I class for today too, let's go" I say as we were leaving. I had a feeling Nevaeh just joined our group.

Ash and I wave Nevaeh goodbye as she was boarding the bus home, I then decided to face my mission that is to receive an apology from jerk-face, we walk towards the school park and see him and his friends smoking while leaning on a black BMW M4, how disgusting I thought, I hate the smell of cigarettes.

"oh, its gumball" Luke says with a smile as I was in front of them, I ignore him and face Ashton "Excuse me, do you mind" I say waving my hand in front of his face, he looks up for a short while and scans me before looking back at his phone, "Dude, I think she wants to talk to you" Evan says with his gruff voice, but the bone head just kept his face on his phone.

"Excuse me mr., I think it's pretty rude to ignore someone that is talking to you" he removes his phone from his face and his green eyes bore into mine, "well I don't care what you think", I was getting angry now "is that all you can say after breaking my phone?", he takes a step closer to me and bends to my height, "do you have proof?" he asks smirking

"proof?, you broke my phone and you know it" I glare at him, "so what do you want? an apology?"

"yes I want an apology, that's the least you can do"

"not gonna happen, besides you look like you could easily get a new one, so why don't you" he says retreating and getting into his car while Luke and Evan mirror his movements, Evan gives me an apologetic look while Luke waves at me "bye gumball" before the Idiot drives off.

How was the chapter you guys, Nevaeh was finally introduced, yay.
Ashwyra's POV next tho. Enjoy! 🤗.

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