Chapter 16

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Amma's POV
I had gotten a text message from an unknown number during the game night, it turned out to be Ashton who was apologizing for pouring that water on me.

And no, his words weren't 'I'm sorry', it was more of 'I apologize' instead. I did ask how he got my number but he just told me 'connections'.

I go into my art class and notice everyone looking at me, some were giving me the stink eye (mostly girls) and some were looking at me weirdly.

The I hear some one shout 'slut' and some people started snickering, I rush over to my stool and as soon as I sit, my butt lands on the floor, Ouch, this makes them laugh.

Someone had switched my stool with a bad one, and the word 'whore' was written on my easel pad. All of this just because they think that I was forcing myself on Ashton, I don't see Christiana getting the same treatment though.

I sigh and get up from the floor holding back my tears, that fall really hurt me thank goodness I wasn't badly injured.

Thankfully, Mrs. Morello enters the class, "what's going on here?" she asks seeing my messed up stool.

"ma, Amma here just had a little accident" a fat girl with a double chin says, "speak for yourself" I tell her and she glares at me.

"is this true?" Mrs. Morello asks me looking concerned, "yes ma'am, I did not notice the stool was bad, I'm fine" I say and she nods her head.

"ok then, go get another stool from the storage room", I nod my head and headed towards the storage.

On getting there I see Ashton heading towards art class, all these assumptions happened because of him, if he hadn't been so close to me, you liked it at first, what! no I did not.

I walk over to him and stop in front of him, he gives me a smirk before saying, "did you miss me Blueberry?", Blueberry? Where did that come from? "do you know what you have caused?", "uh no?" he says raising a brow, "you made everyone think I am into you with that behavior of yours last week" I glare at him while he chuckles.

"it's not funny, why are you laughing?"

"your angry face looks really cute" he says, even though I feel my face heat up, I roll my eyes.

"what behavior?" he asks

"uh when you for no reason came really close to me in art class", as I say this he starts coming closer till my back hits the storage door.

"you mean, like this?" he asks looking down at me, honestly you kinda like it when he is close to you right, what! no I don't, this boy is a jerk, ugh stupid subconscious.

"so you don't like it when I am this close to you?" he says coming even closer to me, 'hic,' hic', hiccups, really? right now? I quickly cover my mouth and look at him, he had a smirk on his face.

I put my hands on his chest and try to push him but he wouldn't budge,"no I don't and I don't want people calling me names like slut or whore" I say, 'hic, hic', "so I want you to clear up the misunderstanding" I finish and look up at him, 'hic hic', he stares at me for a while before moving back and saying "no"

"what do you mean 'no' " 'hic, hic'

"that's because you don't tell me what to do" he says sounding a bit angry and starts walking away from me.

I was really desperate and at this point being bullied by Christiana and not half the school was more than enough for me, so I quickly run after him and grab his arm, "wait, I'll do anything" I say closing my eyes knowing I might regret this.

I open my eyes and see a mischievous glint in his eyes, "anything?" he asks and I hesitantly nod my head, "then you have to be my servant, till the week ends"

"what!, I'm not going to be--"

"then I guess I'll be on my way now" he says cutting me off, "no wait, I'll do it" I say gritting my teeth, "see you later, servant" he says with a wink and walks away.

Nevaeh's POV
It is currently four o'clock and the school was a bit empty, I settle down and wait for Mr. Fishman. After a second or two he also comes in and without wasting time he starts the lesson.

"we are taking a look at precalculus today, precalculus deals with trigonometry and geometry..." his voice trails off when I hear a familiar 'psst' from beside me.

Knowing who the trouble maker was, I decided to just ignore it, until he starts poking me with a pencil,"what!"
I whisper yell as I turn to face the hazel eyed boy, who had both hands in the air, I look back and try to focus on my work until I feel that poking again.

I calmly turn my head to face him, "Luke, if you need anything just ask, you are really annoying me right now"

"do you have an extra pen?" he asks smiling

"there are literally eight other people in the class, why don't you ask them?"

"because I already asked you" he says in a 'duh' tone, "fine, here you go" I say handing him the extra pen that was in my purse, "now leave me alone" I add.

About two minutes had passed when Luke called me "Neva, Neva", I groan and ask "what?" not even realizing he had called me that name again.

"do you have an eraser?" he asks, "but the pencil you have has an eraser" I tell him, "oh it does" he says then picks up the pencil, breaks it into two parts and throws the part with the eraser on the floor kicking it.

"now it doesn't" he says grinning, "what the hell! Take it" I say and throw him the eraser, he catches it and tells me "thanks" while I just nod my head.

It was now five o'clock and I started to pack my things, I carry my backpack and leave the class, with Luke following closely behind, which I never asked him to, we go out of school before he says, "let me drive you home" he looks at me waiting for a reply.

"no thanks, I can grab the bus" I tell him not sparing him a glance, "but it's about to rain" he says and grabs my arm to stop me, as if on cue lightning struck the sky and it started to drizzle.

He drags me to where he parks his car and opens the door for me, "my lady" he says while I roll my eyes but smile a bit, he gets into the car and drives off.

After about twenty five minutes, he pulls up in front of my house, I unbuckle my seat belt and was about to leave when he stops me, "wait, I forgot to return your items" he says grabbing his backpack from the backseat, but instead I tell him to keep it so that he won't disturb me in the next lesson, "thanks for driving me home" I tell him, "no problem Neva"he replies as I go out of his car.

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