Chapter 4

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Amma's POV
When I got to school this morning a lot of students were packed on the hallway than usual especially girls, I was wondering why when a certain green eyed girl bumped into me and I asked her why there were so many people on the way.

" Today is the day Ashton and his friends resume" she says,

"who is Ashton?"

"The multi billionaire son, badboy, 'super hot' jock and his hot friends" she tells me putting air quotes on super hot.
Ashton, I believed I had heard that name during sophomore year but din't really know who it was.
I wasn't able to ask another question when she disappeared.

When Ash got to school, I asked her if she knew who this 'Ashton' was, as we were talking some girls started screaming which makes us panic and we go check what was happening, just then three boys entered the school and my questions were answered.
The green eyed girl whose name turned out to be Pamela tells me that the one in the middle with green eyes was Ashton, to the left, hazel eyes, Luke and to the right blue eyes Evan.

I had to admit they were attractive, my phone vibrated in my hand, I was about to read my message when a girl bumps into me making my phone fall, I quickly bend down and started to look for it under everyone's legs, as I saw my Columbia blue pouch and wanted to reach for it, a guy's foot landed on it breaking the screen.

My precious phone was destroyed, I get up to see who had stepped on it and it was none other than that Ashton of a guy, and he pretended like he dint feel him step on something as big as a phone.

Luke sees the phone and hands it to me, like what was the use of handing something destroyed to me "thanks?" I said with a tight smile. Since the bell rang I had to wait till later to go confront him.

I get into class and take a seat next to Ash "let me have a look" she says checking out my phone "it does look bad, so what do want to do now?" she asks "I have to confront him, don't you want me to?"

"ofc that's not what I meant, I was just asking" "when do you want to meet him?"

"maybe after --" I was saying before Christiana cut me off, "oh my goodness, girls, look at her phone, where did you get it from? The trash store?" she giggles along with her friends, "funny, hearing that from someone who lives there" I snapped as I was not in the mood.

"looks like someone already has the balls to stand up for her self" she says pulling me with my hair, I started to feel pain and slap her hand away, just then Ash gets up and also pulls her hair with the same force, "why don't you mind your business blondie?"

"Ash, just let her go, she isn't worth it", she let's Christiana go with a push while Maggie comes to defend her leading to a fight among the three, Ashley tries pulling Christiana and I try to pull Ashwyra.
Our history teacher comes in, "everyone stop this madness" he shouts and other students who were chanting the word 'fight', along with the three settle down.

"two of you, detention, now! You will be released when I say so" he says to Ash and Maggie, Christiana usually goes unpunished for whatever she does because her contributions to the school are part of their earnings.
I quickly mouthed a 'sorry' to Ash who was making her way out.
"I want everyone to welcome Mr Lawson, Walter and Baker since they resumed today ---" Mr Johnson was saying before the three boys barge in and cut him off "go take your seat boys", it was then I realized that there was going to be a free seat beside me for today since Ash was in detention.

God, please don't let any of them sit next to me, i was in my mini prayer session when the chair next to me shifted and I see the one who handed me my phone, Luke, at least it isn't the jerk I thought.
The bell rings signaling for cafeteria break. I was making my way towards the cafeteria when Luke called me "hey gumball" I recognized that voice because he just started to call me that.

The chair beside me shifted and Luke sat down, while the other two sat behind us, "aren't you the girl who broke her phone?" he whisper asked but I don't answer him, then he started to poke me with a finger -poke 1, 2, 3 - "what!" I whisper yell which makes him raise both hands up like I held a gun.
Mr Johnson starts to call our name on the registrar "Varga" "Present" a meek voice says, "Verma", "detention" a familiar screechy voice says, "Watterson" he calls and I raise my hand to signify present.

"whoa, your last name is Watterson?" Luke asks and I nod, "Do you watch AWOG?" I sigh and face-palm knowing where this was going to, "I'm gonna call you Gumball"
"please don't" "why not? I like it" he says and winks.


"how many times will I tell you that gumball isn't my name?" I ask him and he just shrugs "till I know your name, I'll call you gumball" I roll my eyes "you forgot this again" he says and hands me my phone, he gives me a smile and jogs off on the path leading to the field, I think this boy's cause is to return things that aren't needed I thought and made my way to the cafeteria.

I enter the cafeteria and see Christiana at the popular kids table, her eyes land on me and I look away, I collect my food and sat on Ash and I table.
I was eating my food when a liquid came pouring down my head, Christiana was pouring milk on me and everyone started staring, then my hair and dress became soaked with milk, she then carried my tray and dumped my food all over me, I get up and started making my way to the ladies when I suddenly tripped, the bitch had set her leg on the way.

I glance at my brother's table (popular) but he wasn't there, most students started laughing and I run to the toilet, I washed my face, cleansed my hair and looked at the mirror, first my phone, now this, my eyes were red cos I had been crying my dress was still soiled and not presentable so I decided to skip school for the rest of the day.

"Come in" I say hearing a knock on my room door, I was finishing my assignment, Ayden enters my room and sits on my bed "hey" "hey" I reply "I heard Christiana bullied you"

"hmm" is all I say because I wasn't in the mood to talk.
"why dint you tell me? You know I wasn't there"
"what would you have done? beat her up?" I ask, "I could have at least helped you" "where were you?" I ask him, "the coach scheduled an important meeting for the football team" he says and notices my bruised elbow, "sorry I wasn't there" "don't be, it's not your fault" I say so he won't blame himself, "mom wants us to come downstairs for dinner" he says "okay" I close my book and we both go downstairs.

Ashton stepped on her phone😲, will she confront him? When will Nevaeh be introduced? Let's keep reading to find out!🤗.

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