Night to fall

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Author's pov:-

Jisung slam the door open as he entered his dorm room. His face expression twisted as tears filled his eyes.

" You are back sung?" Seungmin said as he walked towards jisung with an unreadable expression.

" What happened ? You were going to ask him out right? What did he said?" Seungmin asked while bitting his lips.

"Don't ask me about it" jisung said while trying to walk passed seungmin while keeping his head down.

Seungmin grabbed his wrist , stopping him from walking any farther then turn him towards him.

" You are crying? Did he said something?" Seungmin said while lifting Jisung's chin.
" Minnie please" Jisung said while prying his head away.

" Sung please tell me what happened?" Seungmin said lightly shaking him.

" He-he rejected me Minnie... hyunjin rejected me Minnie." Jisung said as he broke into a fit of crying.

It brought a small smile to seungmin's face. Sure he is sad that his best friend was rejected but he is also happy that hyunjin rejected him. This means that he is still single.

Jisung hugged him tightly while crying " You k-now wha-t he said" he pulled away a little " I appreciate your confession Jisung but I am already have someone I like" jisung mimic the way hyunjin had said it. " H-he already like someone minnie. What should I do now." Jisung said hugging seungmin again.

That small smile left as soon as it came hearing it. His love , his first ever crush is in love with someone that's not him. " He-he likes someone?" He asked with a dull tone.

Jisung nodded still his head against seungmin's chest.

Soon an expression of anger spread across seungmin's face. He pulled jisung away from him and said " And you are crying over him. " he said whipping his tears. " stop crying sung. You are here wasting tons of tears over him and he is living his happy love life. He doesn't deserve your tears baby. Fck him."

" it's easy to say Minnie. How can I not cry when I was rejected by my crush. You know Minnie as soon I led my eyes on him , I fell for him." Jisung said as his eyes get teary again.

" I know sung but you can't cry over him your whole life now can you? You can't change his mind with crying " seungmin said wiping his tears and pat his head gently.

" You don't know Minnie but I feel like my heart is breaking. I really like him Minnie. You won't understand" jisung said

I am equally heart broken as you maybe more than you . How can I not understand sung. You just dive into his ocean sung while I have been swimming in it for years. But do you know the feeling of finally drowning in the ocean that you have been swimming in.

"Min-min Minnie " jisung shake him a little " Are you okay Minnie? You seem lost." Seungmin shook his head while smiling slightly. " You were crying Minnie what happened? I am sorry I was so drown in my own greif that I didn't notice you were also crying. Please tell me what happened-" Jisung ranted as seungmin pulled him in the hug.

After some time seungmin pulled away. He wiped his own tears before wiping jisung. " You have nothing to apologize sung. Actually I was staring into nothing that why my eyes got teary." Seungmin said with a smile.

" but what were you thinking." Jisung asked. Seungmin gesture jisung to get close then whispered " I was thinking of ways to kill hyunjin for rejecting my best friend." Jisung playfully hit seungmin's chest as both brust into laughter.

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