Soulmates (finale)

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Author's POV:-

People say if you do good deeds you will go to Heaven and if you do sins you will go to Hell. Then What sin Jisung did that he had to see Hell on Earth?

The hell broke few months ago when Minho introduced his Girlfriend aka Sun Enha to them.

He had said he wanted to introduce someone to them. They thought it's his new friend but it wasn't.

Jisung was broken that day. When they had prepared a meal for the up coming guest only for Minho to open that damn door and hugging Enha followed by a light peck.

That peck had mocked Jisung in a way no thing had ever did before. His mother was so raged and stormed towards Minho and grabbed his collar screaming on his face "What's all this". But he didn't show any expression. Casually introduced his Girlfriend while pushing her hands away.

Jisung who was standing numbly, moved infront of him. He had asked if He had been mistaken cuz Enha was not Minho's soulmate mate. Minho had said that he knows that and he had not found his soulmate so there was nothing wrong as he tightly hold Enha's hand.

Jisung desperate to deny the reality, explained that he is infact Minho's soulmate. Showing his soulmate mark by pushing the hairs away and telling Minho.

Minho had been speechless, not expecting Jisung to reveal that after meeting his girlfriend for the first time. A guilty look flash on his face which quickly changed with a squeeze of his hand.

He hates you Minho. Do you think he will accept you. No. Min No. These soulmates are ruthless. This bond is ruthless.

He remembered and said with a cold face. "So What Jisung? I love her. I am in love with her. I have been before I even knew you were my soulmate."

"But you are my soulmate. You and I are supposed to be together. We are bounded by this soulmate bond."

Don't you think it's messed up. How you are bounded to one person whether you know them or not.

How only we are so restricted in chosing a person for life.

" Don't worry Sungie. I will reject you soon, free you from this bond. Then you can love someone freely." Minho said with stone cold tone.

Jisung covered his mark as he shake his head slowly backing away with tears felling down his eyes.

His soulmate mark? He is going to loose it? The mark that gave him Hope that his love won't be left  one sided?  Then he revise the sentence in his head. The sentence was mocking him. He chuckled internally.

The mark that once completed his love? The mark that is practically his existence? The same mark that he adored every day because it bounds him to someone so important to him? His special one? That same important person was going to snatch his existence?

The Life really has to play it's game now huh. He is not ready to lose it yet. But Minho did say "Soon" Soon is not now right? He still have time to adore the mark as much as possible.

Jisung's back hit the Wall as he was lost in thoughts. While shaking his head and covering his mark protectively.  As he hit the Wall he become aware of his surrounding again. Not wanting to take another breath in this suffocating room, ran upstairs.

His Mother ran after him.

He bawled his eyes out the whole night. This family dinner was so poisoned leaving him lifeless. He didn't know he had a water tank in him. He was crying non stop yet the tears never end.

His mother who he let in after an hour of her begging, hugged him whole night yet her warm embrace seem cold. He desperately slide closer yet he could only feel cold. He was in her embrace yet he was all alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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