Chapter 69- Parker

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"Cancer, she thinks she has cancer." Andy said. It was the next morning and yesterday ended strangely. Kennedy completely checked out after she had run out the room. After Andy made me see literal stars with my cock down his throat.

"Why does she think that?" Dante asked concern filling his face. We were in our game room upstairs making coffee while we waited for Kennedy to come out of the bathroom she locked herself in.

"Her boobs are really tender. I guess with her having cancer before she immediately went there." Andy said. We sat solemnly in silence for a minute before I realized something. I had done some research after she told us about her hysterectomy.

"She's pregnant." I blurted out shooting to my feet. "We need to get her to the hospital. If you have a hysterectomy and somehow get pregnant you can't house the baby because your uterus is taken out. That means the baby is trying to find someplace else to live and no other place inside can safely house a baby." Dante and Andy's mouths dropped open.

"Pregnant?" Kennedys soft voice floated into the room. "I can't get pregnant." We all turned to the door. She was wearing jeans and a oversized hoodie that belonged to me. She had bags under her eyes which were red from crying. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms round her gently so not to hurt her.

"Baby doll, it will be okay. We called in a favor and got you an emergency appointment with our doctor. He's the best in town." I told her, she brought her arms up and wrapped them around me. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. She nodded into my chest. I bent and lifted her up and we all headed out to the suv Andy had pulled around. I placed her in the back and climbed in with her. She snuggled into my side. The drive to the doctor was somber and silent. I met Andy's eyes in the rear view mirror a few times and he looked so worried.

It's not cancer, it's not cancer, it's not cancer.

She didn't want us to go in the back with her when the nurse called her back and that really hurt but we nodded and waited. The place was empty being it was Saturday but this doctor had a list of high paying clients who he would pull strings for and we were on that list. We also got him reservations to a restaurant in Miami he's been trying to get in for months. So that definitely helped.

My knee was bouncing up and down and the nerves were driving me insane, Dante placed a hand on my knee. "It's going to be okay. We are going to be okay." He said gently. I felt the tears come to my eyes.

"Why wouldn't she let at least one of us go with her? This is bullshit." I bit out. Andy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"She saw us last night. And when I noticed her there she looked sad. Maybe she thought we excluded her. We've been together so long and we know each other inside and out. She's still learning us and learning in general. I think we should talk to her about it. She doesn't have to worry about us loving each other more than her." Andy said slowly. Dante scoffed.

"What the fuck gave her that idea?" He asked. We both looked at him incredulously. He sighed. "Well fuck. It's been over two months since I have given her anything to doubt about." He said in a disbelieving tone.

"Well, she's young and I think we are the first real life experience outside of education she's had. And it's been hella bumpy and slightly terrifying. I'm not surprised she may be feeling this way. We jumped in head first and never gave her a chance to look back even for a minute. But yeah I mean we have been together 15 years even the fucked up years we've had, we still years we've had together." I said taking Dante's hand. We sat there silent for a little while. Each lost in our own minds. The doctor came out to talk to us after we sat in silence for a good half hour. We had been waiting over an hour for news.

"Miss Payton asked to see you all." He said. Andy shot up and was heading to the back faster than I could process the words. Dante got up, hand in mine and we followed.

Kennedy was sitting on an examination table trembling when we entered the room. Andy immediately wrapped her in his arms and she began to cry. My heart stopped and tears filled my eyes , no, no, no please no bad news. I looked up at Dante who had unshed tears in his eyes. I know he was feeling the same dread as me.

The doctor shuffled in the room and closed the door. "She wanted me to tell you all that there are no external signs of cancer. We sent her blood work out and it should be back Monday. All tests we were able to administer in the office came back with great results. Miss Payton seems to be in perfect health. I will leave the room so she can tell you the rest in private. I will be in my office when you are ready to talk about next steps." Then he left. I was shocked at this news. Then why was she crying.

"Angel. Why are you crying? You're fine." Andy said softly in her hair. He kissed her head and I needed to hold her too. I walked over and joined the hug with Dante right behind me. We hugged in silence while she cried until her sobs turned into whispers an sniffles. She finally sighed.

"There is more the doctor didn't tell you." She said softly. We pulled back collectively and formed a half circle around her. She took a deep breath.

"I um, somehow." She paused as a small hiccup came over her. I took her hand and squeezed. She gave me a soft smile.  "Somehow my uterus and cervix is in tact and there were no signs that I ever had cancer. My so called cancer symptoms was a case of being misdiagnosed. The symptoms of early onset menopause can mimic gynecologic cancers. Dr Foster told me that I never had cancer and I never had a hysterectomy. Menopause at an early age is so rare that 9 times out of 10 it is misdiagnosed." She stopped again and glanced at each of us in turn. The tears where coming down Dante's face now and it made the tears I was holding back fall.

She reached up and touched his face, bringing him closer to that their lips pressed together. I wiped my eyes with my free hand. This meant so much. She was okay, she was never sick. They broke the kiss moments before Dante was about to let the horny take over. It was almost comical how easily she could make him turn feral. He growled softly making her laugh. Finally a fucking laugh.

"So what does this mean, that doctor in Virginia needs to be sued for this. What fucking surgery did you have then?" Andy asked looking angry. She reached up and touched his face which instantly softened under her touch. How could she possibly think we didn't love as much as we loved each other.

"Yes. That doctor has some things to answer for. And Dr. Foster was kind enough to offer to have an investigation done to get me answer if I want." She paused dropping her hand and looking at me, then Dante, then back at Andy.

"He also offered to find me the best OBGYN to oversee my pregnancy. Because we're having a baby."

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