Chapter 6

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BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. My alarm was going off. I quickly stopped it and sat up. 6:30. I got up and got dressed into regular clothes. The dance was going to start a 7:00 p.m., so I didn't bother moving my dress from its original position. I went downstairs and packed my lunch; I put a few sausage links in there, along with some crackers and oatmeal cookies. I grabbed a small Hugs juice (blue raspberry) and put it in my lunch box as well. I also decided to have some cinnamon toast crunch cereal for breakfast.

My mom drove me to school a bit later. "What time is the dance at?" Mom asked when we pulled up to the school.

"It starts at 7:00. Ends at 9:30." I answered as I got out of the car with my things.

"Then you'll just come home at the same time you usually do?" she asked.

"Yeah. See ya'." I said, closing the door. I heard Mom yell "See you!" back at me. I walked into the school building and greeted my friends in my classroom.

"Morning you guys!" I some-what shouted when I opened the door to my classroom. About half the class was there. The people who currently weren't there included Akane, Hanamura, Nidai, Mahiru, and Hiyoko.

"Welcome back, Hina-chan!" Sonia greeted me.

"Hey! Hina-chan! Come here for a sec! Ibuki's got a really rad idea!" Ibuki shouted out to me. I walked over to her after setting my stuff down at my desk.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Ibuki thought that if you and a few other people were free, then we could go to a karaoke place!" Ibuki explained.

"Sounds like a good idea! But who are the other people?" I wondered.

"Ibuki was thinking she could invite Chiaki-chan, Mikan-kun, and Nagito-chan!" she answered.

"Okay... but why Nagito-kun? Not that I'm against it, I just thought it was a little weird you invited him." I said.

"Well, Ibuki hasn't invited him yet, but she thought that maybe we could invite our crushes, or in Ibuki's case, girlfriends!" she explained.

"Oh. Then wouldn't it be fair if we invited Chiaki-chan's crush?" I asked.

"Oh! Hajime-chan? Sure!!" she agreed. She pulled out her phone.

"Why do you have your phone out?" I asked.

"Ibuki had it on her calender, so Ibuki's adding Hajime-chan's name to the list of people she put on there!" she explained.

"Alright. What day do you want to do it?" I said, needing to know more information. "And who all have you asked?"

"Ibuki was thinking this Sunday. Maybe around 8:00 p.m.? Oh, and Ibuki already asked Mikan-kun and Chiaki-chan." she said.

"Okay. I can ask Nagito-kun if you want? And I'm sure Chiaki-chan can ask Hinata-chan." I suggested.

"Sure! Go get him tiger!" she encouraged me. Tiger? I asked myself.

I went over to Nagito's desk. "Oh! What brings you here Nene-kun? I was sure you had had enough of me after last night..."

"WHAAA-" Ibuki yelled.

"Shut up, Ibuki! It's not like that. We were just talking." I said in defense.

"Well, I guess you're not the only one who's like that." Nagito laughed again.

"Hey! We already went over this! We were both equally guilty!" I protested.

"Ok, ok... But what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked. Owe the pleasure? I never really understood why he was so formal.

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