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Excitement coursed through my body causing my skin to tingle in anticipation

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Excitement coursed through my body causing my skin to tingle in anticipation. I didn't waste time putting on a random jean short and hoodie after taking off my uniform. I don't know but something about hanging out with a guy, more specifically Kenneth had me in a frenzy.

I felt like the teenage girl that I was. Daring. Bold. Confidence. Attributes that I lacked but the rash decision to throw all consequences through the window and take a chance made them resurface.

The house was quiet. I peeked my head from behind the pillar separating the dining room from the parlor, staring intently at the door. My key way out. I feel like a girl on a mission. How dramatic.

After deciding that the coast was clear I tiptoed to the door, opening it slowly to ensure a slick getaway.

"Where are you going?"

I jumped in fright at the sound of my mother crossing her arms across her chest, looking at me with a raised brow. She was clad in a cream colored dress that touched the floor and a scarf wrapped around her face, hijab style-probably to cover up the marks on her face.

"Walk. Yes, a walk. I'm going for a walk to clear my mind."

"Since when do you go on walks eh?" My mother gave me a disbelieving look to which I almost rolled my eyes.

Why does she have to appear at the most unfortunate time?

"Since today mom," I said, irritated by her sudden interest in how I lived my life.

Truth be told my mother loves us but she rarely involves herself in the things we do. There was a time when we were younger she would play with us to distract us when my father started coming home late and smelling like smoke. The smell of alcohol reeking from him is permanently ingrained in my mind.

But that was in the past. When shit hit the roof and he started getting physical with her, using her as his punching bag and taking out the frustrations of his poor business management of his once million naira enterprise she shrunk into her shell. No longer did mom want to protect us from the harsh realities of life.

We were like individual people cohabiting in the same environment.

"Don't be out late," was all she said before excusing herself to her room claiming she had work to do.

Upon exiting my house I was smacked with the hot humid air of Ibadan. Even though it was just four pm the sun still shone brightly, its harsh rays burning the skins of us who are under it.

Anxiety threatened to rise in my chest because it just felt unlike me to be out by this time. I never go out for anything except to run errands for mom, and that's once in a while. It feels wrong, like I'm doing something bad even though I know I'm not.

"Well don't just stand there," Kenneth wore a pair of sweatpants with an oversized gray top, his dark skin glistened under the sun-probably because of the water splashed on his face, at least I think it's water. He stood in front of his house with his hands buried deep in his pockets. "I'm tired of sitting at home all day, seriously!"

𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝒀𝑯𝑾𝑯Where stories live. Discover now