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To call or to not?

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To call or to not?

I huffed, turning to the other side of the bed as I've been doing for the past half an hour. The sun had already set, Ike wasn't back and Leal only woke up once more while I was taking a nap. Mom went out to buy groceries, and the way we haven't been in contact with dad made me worried about his well-being. I wondered if he was looking for us or if he's finally registered how his vile actions have pushed us away.

Although I had many missed calls from Rahila, Isoke, Abigail, Grace and even some people I don't usually talk to, I was waiting for Kenneth to call again. I missed him, or at least I missed the feeling of being a teenage girl I felt around him. What if I've successfully created a big distance between us? He's out of my league anyway.

My phone pinged.

_Hi. How are you?
_Everyone is worried about you.

My feelings softened towards Theresa. It pleased me to have someone worried about me, it being her made it better.

_I'm here if you need to talk again.

I remembered a post she made the previous week about joining a Discipleship class. I could really learn a lot and it would be more effective for me to be taught about the many things I've missed out on while growing up. To be in a community of people with a common goal, that is driving to understand Christianity better is exactly what I need. However, it's been a struggle for me to bring the topic up with her. Plus each time I was sure of myself I would imagine what people would think about me when they find me socializing with the 'Holier than thou' clique at school.

I'm always worrying about what people think about me. I could just feel the anxiety wanting to creep in on me.

Mom peered her head through the door. "Your sister is awake."

Mom and the nurse fussed over Lael while I stood behind them watching. Lael's eyes looked dull and empty, I worried if she would ever be the same again. She looked pale but mom was sure food would bring back the color in her cheeks. I doubted it.

Then and there I promised to shower her with all the love and care I have in me. I'd be the friend she'll need, I'll even be the parent she needs. "How are you?" I came to sit on the bed beside her.

Lael turned slowly to face me. I didn't expect the hug that came crashing on me. She felt slimmer than before, her head buried into the crook of my shoulders as she started crying. Mom rubbed her back. Her words of assurances sounded feeble. The nurse quietly excused herself.

Lael was shaking. "I was scared."

"Of what nwa m?" Asked Mom. "I'm always here, tell me your problems. You mustn't forget that, oh." I felt mom wasn't saying what Lael needed to hear.

"Mom, have you called Ike?"

"Oh," she searched for her phone. "I left it downstairs. I'll be back."

Once gone I pried Lael away from me slowly so I could get a good look at her face. "Tell me what happened."

𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝒀𝑯𝑾𝑯Where stories live. Discover now