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“Episunagoge!” Theresa and I screamed as we recorded a selfie video to post on our statuses

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“Episunagoge!” Theresa and I screamed as we recorded a selfie video to post on our statuses.

“Are you ready?” She asked, a huge smile on her face. It was almost eight pm and we were yet to leave because the Uber we ordered was delayed.

“Are you sure you girls will be alright?” Mom asked worriedly. Episunagoge is an all night service, and it'll be my first time attending. I was excited to meet Sir Ransford in person, as well as Shepherd Jerome and many others I got to know on the Discipleship page. The only downside was the location was far from home and mom was worried for us no matter how much I tried to reassure her.

“Mom, exams are over and I'm free plus you told me that you liked the change you were seeing in me. It's because of this group. Please let me go. God will protect me from harm.”

“Yes ma'am. And we're Mystics,” Theresa pulled me by my shoulder. “We control time. Trust us.” A warm feeling bloomed in my heart. Over the months she had become like another sister to me. Meeting her and opening up to her has become one of the best decisions I made. She also kept me on track on the days I was falling behind. She replaced all the feelings I didn't have when I was friends with Rahila and Isoke. And whenever I was really down because of family stress I came to her for some comforting, although things were stable now as I was looking towards the future.

Mom sighed. “Okay, okay. I trust you. Make sure to call your brother. He's been trying to reach you. And—”

“Bye mom. Our driver is here.”

And then we left. It was all the way in UI, University of Ibadan campus where the program was going to be held. A full night of soaking in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Can I do it? Sometimes I doubt my strength but I have to keep going either way. I've come this far.

When we arrived at the campus I was in awe of its extravagance. This is the school I'm going to be attending soon. WAEC was over, I did well in my JAMB and was yet to write my screening exam from the University before I'd finally get admission. But I set my sights on UI to study Nursing. I've never stepped foot on the campus before, obviously I had no reason to. I realized just how many things I've missed out on because I'm always in my room.

“This place is huge,” commented Theresa.

“I know right! Nothing compared to our secondary school.”

“I can't believe you compared in the first place. Let's go, we're late!” She shrieked after seeing the time.

We heard the sound of music before locating the building. I detached my hand from Theresa's so I could tell Shepherd Jerome that I was here since he was expecting me. He replied saying that he was seated in the front row and saved space for us.

“Are you ready to prayyyyyy?” Theresa knew how to hype me up.

“Am I ever?”

Today's service was insane. Meeting Sir Ransford in person was so much better than the Instagram live and listening to his video chats. He had a great vision and his impact among the youth was just phenomenal, this was only just the beginning. 

We ended the service by praying around four am the next day and shouting mystics together. Yes, this felt like home, like a family. I couldn't stop grinning at everyone I met. Juliet, James, Henrietta, Sister Joana, Sir Ransford even hugged me. I took a lot of good pictures and a souvenir from the occasion to remember my experience.

It was all going well until I locked eyes with him.

It just had to be him. 

He stopped talking to whoever he was talking to. Theresa noticed me staring at him. “Stop staring, that's Shepherd Ojumirayo,” she scolded me. “Oh, oh! he's coming this way. I can't believe I'm meeting everyone in real life.”

Shepherd Ojumirayo? I know him as Kenneth. What are the odds? Very big.

“Hey ladies. How did you enjoy the service?”

“It was amazing, Shepherd Ojumirayo. This is in fact our first time attending live, in person. I'm so excited to meet you.” They shook hands. Theresa nudged me. “Talk.”

I blinked then looked down. Be cool. It's not like we don't keep in touch. Well if you count not talking to each other for two months as keeping in touch. Besides, our text messages were strained.

“I really didn't expect to see you two. I knew you were a mystic but not your friend.”

Our introduction was a hug. It seemed to linger for more than a minute. “It seems we'll be seeing each other a lot soon, Binta.”

Theresa was busy talking to someone else to hear that. Being around him still made me nervous, still made me feel jittery, still made me feel like a teenage girl with a crush.

But there was a chance.

And in the future I think I'll make a bold move instead of running away.

And that's a wrap!
Final thoughts?
Epistle to YHWH is a book very dear to me and I hope you got to learn something from it as well.

And that's a wrap!Final thoughts?Epistle to YHWH is a book very dear to me and I hope you got to learn something from it as well

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Stay Blessed

𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝒀𝑯𝑾𝑯Where stories live. Discover now