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“This is where we'll be staying for the meantime

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“This is where we'll be staying for the meantime. Ike, carry your sister inside, first room by your left downstairs. Joe and I will bring the bags inside. Binta you need to rest.” Said my mother. Currently we were standing in front of a one storey building, it had a simple architectural design which made it look like a building from those Hollywood movies I watch on Netflix but at the same time looked abandoned judging by its current state.

My mind wasn't really comprehending what my mother was saying. Staying? Was this what she was busy planning all the while we were worried about her? She left me in my spot as Joe and her set out to tidy things up. The overgrown weeds needed to be cut, the compound needed sweeping, not to mention the dust covering every inch of the place. The furniture was covered with a film rubber so it was easy to get rid of the dust around them.

Everything was going so normally.

“What's going on?!” I exclaimed suddenly, holding my forehead because of the migraine. “What about…” dad? I wanted to ask. “Are we seriously leaving the other house? Does he know about this? Can we just do this?”

“Binta wetuo obi, geem nti o,” My mother held me in her arms as she cooed softly to calm me down. She told me to relax and listen to her. “I've thought this through, it's for the best. You children need a break, that's what this is, okay? A break. Until we can sort everything out we'll be staying here.”

I nodded in understanding. 

“Good. Joe will show you to your room. Just sleep. Tomorrow you'll notice how everything will be alright.”

Joe walked silently behind me. It was awkward at first because I didn't know him but my mom seemed to know and trust him very well. He was also helping us out even though we didn't know him all that much. “Everything will be fine,” he patted my shoulder before turning back.

I took a deep breath before entering the room. The bedsheet was already laid up, only the furniture remained covered up. I crawled into bed, willing for this whole day to pass by. My eyes closed shut instantly as the only image running through my mind was my duffel bag sitting idly on the ground.

Morning rolled by quicker than expected. It greeted me with soft sun rays casting through the curtains, sounds of rustling leaves and the smell of fried egg coming from the kitchen. Peace swept over my form on the bed. Looking down was enough for me to realize I slept in my school uniform. Maybe mom was right, we needed a break.

Although at the back of my mind it felt like our family was breaking apart. How naive could I get that despite the many problems we face I still want us to be together again.

Finding my toothbrush and paste in my duffel bag was easy. Without wasting time I had changed into fresh clothes and was ready to just eat, and then press my phone. Maybe read a book, if Ikenna packed one for me or draw something. I felt excited doing something out of my daily routine despite the circumstances.

𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝒀𝑯𝑾𝑯Where stories live. Discover now