Episode 3; Mother of a spider

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Jim brings Vivian to school where they are supposed to take care of a flour baby for the next 24 hours. But soon enough, the trollhunters find out about a monster that is running around in Arcadia. Together they try to get rid of it and Vivian meets Steve and Eli, the Creepslayerz

"How did you get here? How do you know about Trollmarket?" Jim asked in surprise and looked at Vivian, who was sitting at the stone table in Blinky's library, grinning mischievously and suppressing a laugh.
"That little chubby guy is pretty bad at lying, you know?!" she said with a serious face. Toby felt offended and looked down at himself. "And I also know about your little secret!" she added.
Jim couldn't think of how to respond. He didn't like neither the way the young sorceress just found out his secrets, nor the action in the forest. Vivian pushed herself off the table and started to leave, but Jim stopped her.
"Do you seriously think I'm going to let you walk around here like that? You have a lot to explain to me!" Jim looked at her angrily.

Vivian stepped back. The look on her face showed that she didn't like it. "Move. Aside..." she murmured as her hands disappeared behind her back to build a spell, even though it was very exhausting for her.
But Jim noticed this and just before Vivian wanted to attack him, he quickly pulled out his amulet and said the magic formula. As soon as he had his armor on his body, he swung his sword around and held it in front of Vivian's throat. ,,Carefully! I don't like the way you're acting here! Just give me one reason not to kill you right now... If I hadn't saved you earlier, you'd probably be dead by now! And now you come here to Trollmarked, insult my best friend and then try to attack me?! I'm so sick of your secrets!" Jim has to hold back so he would not completely freak out.

Her behavior made him sick. She tried not to show that she was intimidated. She knew that if she did this, then that what she had planned would be over! Vivian let the spell disappear from her hand and held it up towards Jim. Show that she would cooperate. Jim dropped his armor and held out his hand. "Ceasefire!" he said and she looked at him with an icy stare, but then took action. "Well, now that this is done..." she began. ,,...I need your help." The trollhunters looked at her questioningly. She sighed before walking out of Blinky's library. A few seconds of silence later, she poked her head back into the room. The young sorceress's look indicated that they should come with us.
So they did that. Vivian walked forward until at some point she stopped and pointed to the large heart stone. Jim, Tobi, Claire, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh!!! looked at them questioningly.

Vivian despaired internally. "How do I get in?" "Huh? What do you mean? You can't get in there! There is no entrance," Toby said. Vivian was annoyed, so she went independently towards the heartstone to find an entrance. Jim ran after her. "Look, there really isn't an entrance! And besides, it's already late, we should go home and you can try again tomorrow. Whatever... you wanted to try..." he tried, but it couldn't change her will. He tried all the time along the way, but to no avail. At some point they met Vendel, who only took one look at Vivian and then immediately lost his mind.

"Another human??! That's unacceptable! Blinkus, who is this female fleshbag and what is she doing here?" the troll shouted and Blinky came running and stood in front of her. "That, Vendel, is Vivian... she is...", he didn't get any further than that, because she was already walking past the two trolls and continuing towards the Heartstone. Vendel started arguing with Blinky again. The Heartstone was only a few meters away and Vivian could already feel its power. The closer she got, the stronger the feeling of pure power became.
She carefully placed a hand on the smooth crystal, which immediately began to glow. Suddenly she backed away from him, her face in disbelief. "I see..." she then said to the crystal, which then stopped glowing as if on command. Vivan turned to Jim, Claire and Toby. ,,I help you! With.. whatever..." she then said.
,,No! You can't just do that..." Jim started, but Claire interrupted him, "Jim! We could really use some extra help! Gunmar doesn't defeat himself..." Jim sighed, but then nodded.

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