Episode 2; Everybody's secrets

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Jim knows that Vivian got a secret. And Vivian knows that Jim got a secret. They both try to find out about the secrets of the other, but they dont know what disturbing actions this will have.

"WHERE AM I?" Vivian yelled as she sat up fast in Jim's bed. "Woah, hey, calm down! You banged your head on the road. Then you passed out and we brought you here!" Jim explained, all the while trying to look at her head to see if she had a bump there. That wasn't so easy, though, because she looked around wildly. Claire was also in the room and looked at Vivian skeptically.

"I don't remember everything anymore... I only know that I was trying to stop someone making a mistake that could destroy the entire universe...", the young sorceress murmured to herself, but Claire and Jim understood every word. Jim and Claire went to the door. They didn't quite knew what to do with the confused girl. "You've just got back from the Dark Lands and something like that is already happening...", Jim was stunned. "Do you think she's human?" Claire asked, but actually she didn't thought so herself.
"She literally fell out of the sky and now she's talking about saving the universe, so of course I don't think she's human! Or at least not a normal person." Jim didn't quite knew what to think of Vivian either. They often had to deal with the strangest things, like goblins or changelings , not forgetting the Nyaralgoth of the Darkslands! But something like that was a bit too strange.

"And now?" Claire said, looking at Vivian, who is now out of bed, moved and looked at Jim's posters.
Suddenly they heard the front door slam and loud pounding on the stairs. Shortly thereafter, Toby fell through Jim and Claire and landed on the ground in front of Vivian. ,,YOU! YOU ARE..." she cried out. She still knew Tobi. He was the one lying in the taco truck. "Wait a minute... you know Toby?!, Jim asked and Vivian answered: "Only by seeing...." "Oh man, if only they knew....", she thought. "That's totally unimportant now, Jim, Claire you have to come with me tooooooo....", now Toby didn't knew what to do. He couldn't just mention Trollmarket where Vivian was in the same room! ,,...tooo school! Señor Uhl gives us another hour detention because... we... were late! Yes! Late for Spanish class! Señor Uhl can be quite strict! But hey, who are you?" Toby was just able to save himself with a white lie before he looked directly at Vivian.

But Vivian just raised an eyebrow. After all, she's not stupid. She had noticed very well that Toby was hiding something.
"Uhh, probably not that talkative... never mind, now you two!" Toby urged and pulled Jim out of the room, who called out something to Vivian: "We'll be back soon! See my home as yours."
Claire went after Jim and Toby and when Vivian heard the front door slam, she went to the window and looked at the street. The window was open, so she could her the three of them talking. ,,Who was that? It was extremely tight! She almost heard about Trollmarket!" she heard.
What was a trollmarket? A flower? Vivian didn't knew, but she had to find out. She carefully slipped out of the Lakes' house and followed them.
But when the three finally disappeared under the bridge in the wall, she was at a loss. She waited for them for a long time, but they just didn't come.

After a while, however, she gave up and went back to the Lake house, angry.
But right after she climbed back up the canal when the wall opened up again and Jim, Claire, Toby and the two trolls Blinky and Aaarrrgghh!!! came out of a cave. The sun had only just set, allowing the trolls to exit without turning to stone. They went up the other side of the canal towards Arcadia. They had been given a task by Vendel and Jim was hooked on it! Since he was back from the Darklands, he appreciated the things around him a lot more, now that he knew what it was like to go weeks without having to do those simple things that he otherwise took for granted.

When Vivian got to Jim's house, she slammed the door behind her and stomped back upstairs to his room. She threw herself onto his desk chair and crossed her arms as she twirled in the chair, thinking. She knew the three of them were hiding something. She just needs a little time to figure out what they were hiding. At some point she had the idea to look around his room a bit. Maybe she found something that could help her. She looked everywhere. In his closet, between the books, behind his posters, in the drawers of his desk. She even checked his dresser under his rug, but nothing. But then her eyes fell on his bed. She immediately ripped the pillows and blanket off the bed and even looked under the mattress. Only at the very end she came up with the idea of ​​looking under the bed. And indeed. As she slipped her hand under his bed, she could feel a large object. She pulled it out, which wasn't easy because it was quite heavy.

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