Episode 5; All of us are weirdos

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2 new students arrive at the Arcadia Oaks High but they are acting very strange. No wonder then, that Vivian suspects them of being strange not-normal kids. And soon she finds out she was right, but before she can find out more, she has to get Toby out of the whole police thing, because Detective Scott suspects him of being a thief.

After the trolls came back to Trollmarked through the tunnel, Jim, Claire, Toby and Vivian made their way home again. When Jim and Vivian came into his house, Vivian immediately threw herself on the couch in the living room. "Hey Mom, I'm back!", he called, but he got no answer. He stopped and went towards the kitchen. His mom wasn't there, instead someone else was sitting on a chair in the dining room. "Hello Jim!" this someone greeted Jim.
"Strickler?!" Jim was confused. "I heard you have a lot to do! Nomura and I will help you," Jim's former history teacher said. From behind the curtain in the wall that divided the kitchen from the dining room, a petite woman with black hair and a wide grin stepped out. Nomura. "Who is that... do you work for Gunmar?" Vivian jumped up and prepared to fight.

"No, no, wait! This is Mr. Strickler, my history teacher. Well... he was.. once. And this is Ms. Nomura! She's um... she works at the museum. Or she used to work there... they both know I'm the Trollhunter! Annnnd.... they are changelings! But they're working against Gunmar!" Jim explained.
"Changelings?! Wow! I've always wanted to see one who doesn't want to kill me!" Vivian smiled excitedly. ,,Another time! Ms. Nomura and I have to go now," Mr. Strickler said as he looked at his watch, "Meet us in the canals on Wednesday evening. We will train!" With that, the two changelings left Jim's house.

A little later, after Jim made them a small snack, they went upstairs. Jim went into the bathroom to change, Vivian just pulled her black t-shirt over her head. When Jim returned to his room, the young sorceress made herself comfortable on the mattress. "Don't you want to sleep on the..." Jim began, but Vivian interrupted him. "The bed is all yours. Good night," she said dryly, lying down and pulling the blanket over herself.
Jim had to smile. Then he also laid down and fell asleep.

A few days later Vivian was once again woken from her sleep. This time it wasn't a pillow that landed on her face, but her T-shirt. "Get up, sleepyhead!" Jim grinned down at her. He already had his bag slung over his shoulders and two brown paper bags in his hand. "Please don't make me go to school again!..." Vivian whined and took the shirt off her face. ,,Unfortunately yes. Stand up. Toby and I are waiting outside," Jim laughed and walked out of the room. Vivian sighed but stood up and pulled her shirt over her head. She picked up the brown lunch bag he had left next to the mattress for her and in the bathroom she splashed cold water on her face to wake herself up, then she went to Jim and Toby.

The three then rode to school together on their bikes. In the first two lessons they had math with Miss Janeth. Vivian sat in the back on her seat and looked at the board in disbelief. Whatever crap Miss Janeth wrote on the board, Vivian didn't even try to understand it. But Jim felt the same way. "The equation for the area of a triangle is a square plus b square equals c square," Miss Janeth explained as she drew a triangle on the board, named the sides and wrote down an equation. Vivian was sooo bored. She almost fell asleep! "I have a question!" someone shouted. "Then raise your hand!" cried Miss Janeth. "Uhh, which one?" asked the student. "Either one wll do!" the teacher was annoyed.

"Do you have a Daxial Array?" the student asked with both hands in the air. 'Wow, he's even stranger than Toby!' Vivian thought. "We're talking about triangles!" boomed Miss Janeth. She was at her wits' end. "Hardly. You forgot to account for the triangles area when applied to the forth dimension!" the student stood up, grabbed the pen in Miss Janeth's hand and went to the board. "The fluctuations of the hypotenuse alter the triangles shape! But if we use Claxon's 38th theorem, we get the reasonable approximation offf...", the student began to write the strangest drawings and calculations on the board.
When he was finished, a four-dimensional triangle was drawn on the board and everyone looked at the boy blankly. "Now, strange woman, can you lead us to a Daxial Array?" he asked with a grin. Miss Janeth looked at him angrily.

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