Obey your orders!

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(April 7th 1922) headmasters office military academy.

"what do you mean we are expelled we haven't done anything wrong".

"I agree with private Schultz we haven't done anything wrong that warrants your extreme punishment".

"really you both think I'm being too extreme huh. well then what corporal Degurechauf told me simply must be false then right?" pulls out a folder that Degurechauf had given him and both privates visibly gulp.

"according to the file you privates have slacked off numerous times and been late to rollcall more then once. Furthermore you both have snuck out of the academy to go drinking hours past curfew. Shockingly this was never brought to my attention sooner as your families have seemingly pulled a lot of strings to keep more of these reports off my desk. At least that's how it was till corporal Degurechauf had caught you guys and therefore for your breach of regulations your both expelled and ill make sure to put your names for transfer to the western army your dismissed."

(outside the headmasters office)

"he can't do this to us does he have any idea who we are".

"it matters not Rhiner our anger shouldn't be the headmaster its's that no good corporal Degurechauf".

"I wish I could put a bullet through her blonde head ".

"I'd rather not be more punished then we already are but there is a way we can make sure to get revenge on her. ill make sure that if war erupts soon ill have my family pull some strings to put her on the frontlines in the most desperate front".

(may 7th 1922) POV TANYA

it has been 4 months since I came to the academy and despite my young age I wasted no time in getting back into the school routine. ironically its a routine I haven't had for at least also counting reincarnation years almost 30 years since I was last in any form of school. despite clear differences I knew that if I was to one day rule this country I need to learn as much as possible so whenever I'm not running drills or classes I'm in the library reading up on the history of this world and becoming the most familiar I can especially with politics of this world and the empires place in it. I learned that due to our occupation of the Norden territory in the entente I began to worry that due to our history with that nation and our territory basically sitting on their front yard I feared it could result in war. if a war with the entente happened then a war with the republic as well is inevitable and as strong as the empire is the other European powers will take the opportunity to target our territory and carve it up.  Now I see why my father was against taking the Norden region he knew that it would result in war no matter the empires reassurances he feared rightfully so the entente would want it back. I just hope that for all his incompetence Vogel can maintain the peace.

"Ah reading again corporal Degurechauf".

"yes captain albert I believe in being well versed in as much knowledge as possible so I can be a competent officer when I graduate". I say while giving a salute.

"hmm yes indeed actually corporal I wanted to talk to you about your progress in the academy". he says while giving me a serious look that made me concerned I was in trouble but I made sure to hide my worry quickly as I responded".

"yes sir what about my progress did you want to talk to me about".

"oh simply to ask if you would willing to assume the duties as a drill instructor for the academy". he asks with a small smile.

I couldn't believe my luck a drill instructor would mean I'm effectively promoted to the rank of warrant officer." thank you sir I shall do everything to live up to the faith you and the other officers have put in me". I say with a salute.

(September 27th 1922) cadet gathering area.( pov Tanya)

one job with being a drill instructor with the highest efficiency level it usually leaves me with teh bottom of the barrel when it comes to our cadets. Many also give me attitude and arrogance emotions I cant believe imperial citizens believe are appropriate for soldiers to have. so once again I gave them the rundown I've done for months. 

"is that seriously our instructor ".

" i don't believe it she can't be older then my niece".

"heh this'll be  breeze her she is trying to act all tough and trying to scare us hah that's laughable". 


of course my methods have gotten me on some officers bad side due to my strict nature of holding up regulations and protocols. an example would be  a colonel named Rerugen who was an inspector sent by personal affairs he wasn't fond of me trying to discipline my troops but despite him stopping me I can see why he is an officer one I plan to keep around when I'm empress he is clever and logical and has a key strategic mind.(AN: I'm not doing any ships in this story).

(headmasters office).

" I can't believe you made a devil a drill instructor how many cadets has she killed. Cause she nearly killed several out there before I stopped her".

"she has killed none Rerugen and I remind you to keep your composure together when in my office. I made her a instructor cause we've had some disappointing graduates lately and every cadet that goes through Tanya's regimen has come out better than any graduates have in the last 6 years. so therefore I'd like you to respect my decision colonel your being transferred anyways unless you want me to have that transfer send you elsewhere colonel"?

" no general I apologize for my out burst".

"your forgiven I agree she's is way more strict then other drill instructors are but it has produced results everything is under control colonel I wish you well on your career forwards".

"thank you sir also i had a question for you"?

"what's that colonel"?

"do you believe that Vogel may go to war soon I mean with his recent speeches it sure looks like he is anxious for war".

"I don't think so colonel only a fool would do that".

"lets hope your right general I bid you farewell". Rerugen says with a salute.

Rerugen thoughts: if war does come the death toll will be horrible our Kaiser would never have gone this far I only pray for our empresses return before our fatherland loses to much life in a conflict that will surely shake history.

(chancellors office).

"is everything ready Felix". 

"yes sir when the entente comes for Norden our forces shall beat them back and we shall take our glorious revenge on the aggressors".

chancellor Vogel leans back in his chair flashing an evil grin everything was falling into his hands and soon the world would be his and no empress was going to stop him." has the ambassador been silenced". 

"yes mien chancellor he won't be interfering with our plans I can reassure you".

"good give the order to our spy its time for war to begin and to start our glorious rise to ultimate power".

AUTHORS NOTES: I know you all want to see Tanya fighting but I can promise you readers that you will get some action in the next chapter I promise you guys. anyways have a great day and of course if anyone has some ideas they want to see in this story let me know and I will consider them also I own nothing all rights belong to the creators and owners of saga of Tanya the evil. 

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