Visha's past

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(flashback a few months ago).

sereberyakov waited in the recruitment office as she waited for where she would be sent next. Her family had received a letter of conscription for her 2 weeks after war had broken out. Her mother was heart broken and her father just looked very depressed as they read its contents to her. The whole family was deeply more saddened seeing her off at the train station that would take her west. On the train Viktoryia's mood didn't improve much more the recruits either avoided her or insulted her. However her luck slightly changed when she was assigned to the 12th mage company under lieutenant Schwarzkopf where she met kurst and Harold who became more like brothers to her and the lieutenant was like a father to her always treating her well. It was a safe haven for her despite all the missions they went on that could've resulted in her death and one nearly did.  Her platoon was flying recon over some republic trenches on the Rhine when they came under attack her whole platoon was killed in only what seemed like seconds and she would've died to if Schwarzkopf and the others hadn't arrived there on time. She was shot down but made it back safely. Unfortunately Lieutenant Schwarzkopf was killed defending his men. His death deeply upset teh whole company and her life only got worse from there. Lieutenant Manheim took over and took out his frustrations on her but also insulted her at every chance he got. Even kurst and Harold who were her friends seemingly treated her with the cold shoulder. She did take some comfort though when her platoon leader told her that it was Manheim's orders for the entire company to shun her it broke her heart but she was forced to obey or be shot as a traitor. Her life once again changed though for the better on one fateful mission.

"our intel has confirmed that an enemy armored battalion is stationed here preparing to break through the our lines it should be a fairly easy mission if you all stay on target." the lieutenant said gesturing at the map and circled targets. 

No one responded but gave nods of acknowledgment. But Viktoryia noticed something that the lieutenant had not warned them about.

" but sir what about those." she says gesturing at several nearby camps.

"what about them russy scum are you scared of some mages." he said with a sneer 

while visha was scared of him she had to try to dissuade him however unlikely of a chance that was.

"sir its not just some company's or platoons those are mage battalion camps we cant possibly take on those with only a company."  

he seemed to consider her words for a brief moment before staring at her with a sinister  smile. 

"you absolutely right corporal since you feel that concerned lets have you company be the one that distracts them shall we."

Viktoryia felt her stomach drop she knew the odds of survival were very low in this sort of a scenario. 

(time skip)

After they began the mission Visha's warning became very clear her platoon was unable to distract all the mages but fortunately another mage company managed to bale them out. After that mission she was transferred to the 75th company on Degurechauf orders. 

(command tent) POV Tanya 

"and that's the whole story mam."

After hearing Viktoryia's words I was infuriated. Not only was she and her family mistreated but her commanding officer had completely ignored her warnings and saw fit to almost kill them for giving perfectly reasonable advice. It took a lot for me to hide my scowl before addressing the corporal again.

"go rest up corporal sereberyakov you've earned it. Also don't worry about Manheim I sent a letter to western command to have him demoted and transferred to Norden." 

She seemed to brighten up at the news and seeing the look on her face I couldn't help but smile as I dismissed her. Shortly after she left Lieutenant mia walked in.

"Is something wrong Lieutenant mia." I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No mam nothings wrong I actually had a request."

"Really what's that?"

"I'd like to request corporal sereberyakov be transferred to my platoon." 

I could only smile I was planning to have sereberyakov transferred to Mia's command anyways so this was only more convenient as this meant I wouldn't have to convince mia to accept her. 

"of course lieutenant you may have her."

she smiled with that comment and saluted me which I returned before she walked out.

(Berun chancellor Vogel's office)

Vogel sat in his desk staring out the window and looked across the berun sky line before a knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. 

"come in." 

His aid Felix stepped in slapping a folder on his desk. 

"look at this sir." 

After opening it up Vogel could only stare in shock at it. it read: 1st Lieutenant Degurechauf age : 10 , medals earned: 2nd class iron cross , silver wings assault badge. 

"how is this possible Felix."

"I'm not sure sir but it's also apparent she's a legend on the battlefield her kill count of eliminating entire companies of mages makes her a menace on the battlefield and a hero for our troops." 

Vogel was slightly concerned if this prodigy got any more popular it could mean his position is under threat. 

"keep an eye on her i want to know if she becomes any more popular understood."

"yes sir." 

After Felix left his office Vogel stared out teh window thinking aloud.

"Degurechauf what is your game and why cant i help but shake teh feeling you look very similar to someone I've seen before".

AUTHORS NOTES: I hope you all like dthis chapter and are having a  great day also.  I own nothing all rights belong to the creators and owners of saga of Tanya the evil . 

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