A Day in war college

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(war college 1924). POV Tanya 

It has been 6 months since i was called back to the capital from the front lines. Still I can't get the horrors of war out of my mind. However I can ignore that now especially since I am enjoying my studies so much. 

It was odd though I never put in a application for the war college while It is a relief no longer being at the front it seemed so random.


"Corporal sereberyakov I wanted to congratulate you on your performance in the last battle." 

Visha could not hide the confusion at Tanya's comment from her face." Really captain but I didn't do much teh real credit belongs to Lieutenant mia her leadership is what inspired me to keep fighting even when it was just the two of us left in the platoon." 

"I know corporal. I recommended Lieutenant mia for transfer to the capital for officer's training  and she in turn requested you come with her that is why I am here to give you this." Tanya replies handing visha a document.

"For her out standing performance on the Rhine battlefront Corporal sereberyakov is hereby promoted to 2nd lieutenant to serve under 1st lieutenant Mia colbest." Viktoryia could not hide her shock and gratitude now from her face. 

"Of course if you would rather stay here I can't force you to make your own decision." 

"No mam. It's just that I don't know what to say mam except thank you. I wasn't expecting you to do this so you took me a little by surprise." 

"The train will be departing in a few hours pack your things at your earlier convenience and go meet up with Lieutenant mia." 

"Of course mam." 

After that meeting with sereberyakov things were pretty quite around the camp. At least it was quiet till he showed up. 

"General handler what an unexpected surprise sir."

"Certainly Captain Degurechauf. Actually Strategic HQ asked me to come here to see you personally."

Strategic HQ was the highest strategy branch of the military and also the biggest grouping of the top brass aside form the general staff of course. But the fact that they had a group general come to talk to me personally means that there is something big going on that I did that got there attention. 

"what would that be sir." 

"You've been enrolled in war college." 

(End of flashback).

With that being said I was sent back to the capital where I have been for the last 6 months. However despite me being a child I'm treated pretty well most likely because I have 2 medals. But I can't let the respect and fame go to my head and get in the way of my studies I've still got to do my part for my country.

"When there is weakened enemy positions along a section of the trench lines and you command an understrengthed unit what would be the best course of action. William." 

"Sir it would be the most logical to charge and attack a weakened enemy force and win a victory." 

"That is good but doesn't cover every angle. Next Degurechauf." 

'Sir if I may ask are there reinforcements coming in this scenario."

'Let's say there aren't."

"Without reinforcements we would be ill equipped to solidify our lines and an attack like that even if it succeeds we will still be weakened. A weakened section if not properly reinforced can be exploited using mages or concentrated artillery and could cause us to loss more land then we would gain. Therefore our best course of action would be to hold position and wait for reinforcements cause dug in positions are harder to attack no matter how weakened the line is."

"Yes very good. Class dismissed." 

After class I was still at my desk and I began to clean my rifle.


"How do you do captain ugar what is it." 

"Your strategy was very well thought out and the fact that your cleaning the rifle I find that quite puzzling." 

"There isn't anything puzzling about it Captain this weapon symbolizes that my enemies exist and if it isn't in top shape I guess I get a little uneasy. Plus I must do everything to preserve the fatherland for the empress." 

Ugar couldn't hide his shock at her words." I see so your a monarchist supporter then."

"In a way but The empress is our country's rightful leader and I can't blame her for the war's situation. Especially with what happened to her family 10 years ago." 

"Yes it is a tragedy. Anyways I must be going now farewell captain Degurechauf." He says with a salute. 

"Have a good day captain ugar." She says returning the gesture. 

(General POV).

After Ugar left the classroom he headed for the headmasters office where he was supposed to meet with general Zettour.

'Can you confirm. Is it her." 

"She certainly looks like the old empress sir." 

"Very well I shall see her next then."

"What if the government tries to interfere."

"don't worry about them. Major erya is keeping her eyes on them and if they do anything she will inform us immediately."

AUTHHORS NOTES: I hope you all liked this chapter. also for those wondering what happened to kurst and Harold. well lets just say they were the other members of Visha's platoon. Anyways form her eon out the story will no deviate from the main plot of saga of Tanya the evil and will now be entering the more AU chapters of this story. 


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