first impressions

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(the Rhine front 75th mage command base). POV Visha

After talking to lieutenant mia I felt a lot better cause it seemed for the first time in my life someone actually cares about me. Of course my family cared for me but much like me we weren't really treated as equally as others however I  couldn't entirely blame the empire's history for that judgement because it was only recently that refugees began to be more mistreated. Interestingly enough the bullying and mistreatment started after the death of the old emperor according to my parents. Anyways I was getting ahead of myself I had to make a good impression on this Lieutenant Degurechauf a part of me felt she would just be like Manheim but then the voice of mia came back to me comforting me.( there's no need to worry corporal sereberyakov I can personally reassure you that Lieutenant Degurechauf does care more then a lot of officers will trust me." she said with a reassuring smile).Taking some comfort in that thought I took a deep breath and went inside the command tent. 

"ah greetings corporal sereberyakov was it." she said smiling." Allow me to introduce myself i am 1st Lieutenant Tanya Degurechauf commander of teh 75th mage company." She gave me a salute I was quick to return I was a little tense as I was worried her kindness was an act some sort of appearance she was putting on to lure me into a false sense of security and then the insults would come. 

"please relax corporal please have a seat." she said gesturing to one of the chairs." I'm not Manheim you know. I have no intention of insulting soldiers under my command." I let out a very audible sigh of relief as I let my shoulders relax as I sat down and responded as politely as I could. 

"thank you Lieutenant Degurechauf mam I want to reassure you that i will live up to your expectations and follow your orders to the fullest." I said giving her the most determined look I could. 

What shocked me was that she began to chuckle and sat down across from me before continuing." that's what I like to hear corporal. Also I wanted to apologize since I Have no refreshments on hand to offer you at this time but you know how it is with being on the frontlines and all that." she said making a hand gesture at our surroundings .

I nodded in understanding I could tell she wasn't lying but as I looked around I saw some coffee beans and a pot on a nearby table an idea immediately popped into my head. " what if I made us some coffee mam." I suggested gesturing at the nearby table

her shocked expression was priceless. "I'm sorry those beans are like hand me downs I'm not sure if you could make a decent cup with them." she said with a clearly uncertain expression on her face gesturing at the table. 

Still i got up and walked over to the table using my magic to heat the water I began to make the coffee and I noticed the Lieutenant staring at me still looking confused. I smiled to myself this was my ticket to making a great first impression on my new commanding officer. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I walked back over to the lieutenant and sat back down handing her one of the cups. She seemed skeptical at first but then after taking a sip well to say the least  I didn't miss the look of amazement that was on her face after she finished it.

"this.. this is amazing corporal how did you learn to brew coffee like that its amazing ." her look of amazement still plastered on her face. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the show in front of me. The lieutenant noticed my chuckle and began to look a little embarrassed but handed her cup back to me in a subtle gesture of may I have a refill please. I just smiled and took the cup from her hands and refilled it again. 

"My mother taught me a pretty good way of brewing coffee when I was young I hope you like it Lieutenant Degurechauf mam." I said smiling. 

"Oh this stuff is more than alright this." she says gesturing to her mug." is something heavenly. Oh yeah I'm definitely keeping you around simply for the sake of this coffee corporal.

After exchanging some more conversation the lieutenants mood began to switch gears and her expression hardened. 

"now then corporal onto one serious question I have for you." After registering what she just said I sucked in my breath bracing for it. " what really happened on your last mission?"

AUTHORS NOTES: be prepared for some flash backs in the next chapter also again I own nothing but i hope your all enjoying this fanfic and i recommend you all check out my others as well. And i own nothing all rights belong to the creators and owners of saga of Tanya the evil. But I am open to any suggestions you all have for making this fanfic more awesome and as always have an awesome day. 

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