The war for Berun

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(Imperial strategic HQ).

"You may begin you reports generals." Tanya says gesturing at the generals seated around the table before her.

"Thank you Empress. The northern front is holding and we recently succeeded in repelling another entente offensive. However our supplies are being strained and we need to alleviate them somehow."

Tanya began to think and let the information she was just told digest.

"We could launch a full offensive and break them after all the entente is weak." One general says while pounding his fist on the table.

"Your forgetting about the entente's mage corps while it is small they are very well trained. They would have to be eliminated before we could make any advances." 

"No they don't have to be completely destroyed just distracted." Tanya says surprising everyone. she had been so quiet some almost forgot she was there.

"What do you mean mam" Rudersdorf asks

She begins to point at different points on the map while explaining her plan." If the northern army launches it's offensive a smaller force could seize a key port and use it as a new base and we would be hitting them from two fronts." 

"That could actually work the entente fleet is almost non existent and we could invade a port city. But which port did you have in mind mam."

Tanya smiled and pointed to a location on the map." The orse fjord. Before you all think it is insane let me just reassure you that those cannons and any defense mages will be taken care of before the northern fleet even arrives. "

"How do you propose we do that mam." The commander of the norther n army asks with his arms crossed.\

"Simple." She says smiling." MY battalion needs some combat experience and I think my guard will be more than enough to handle this 

The generals were shocked. when Tanya became empress she recalled her mages she formerly commanded from the Rhine to her new royal mage guard and in the last 6 months those mages had become the most elite the empire had ever seen and they now numbered 200. Their commander though was one Colonel Mia von Graf who was very young to be commanding such a large force but Tanya insisted on it. Her second was a foreigner Major Viktoryia Ivanovna sereberyakov.

"who will lead them." Zettour asks looking at his empress though he already had a hunch who Tanya would say.

"I will."

All the officers present except Zettour Rudersdorf and Rerugen were surprised. The last time a monarch had lead troops from the battle field was almost 70 years ago.  They were still recovering form their shock when a messenger suddenly bursts into the meeting.

"I apologize for interrupting the meeting." He says with a bow and a salute.

"What is it." Tanya asks gesturing for him to rise and continue

"I bring a message from chancellor Vogel he demands the empress surrender and hand over her power to him or he will burn berun to the ground ."

"Him and what army." One of the generals asks.

"His lightning guard sir it numbers 700'000 and they are marching this way."

Tanya was quiet and looked perfectly calm on the outside but on the inside she was enraged. She was  disgusted that he would threaten her peoples lives just to get to her and she would not take that sitting down. Rising from her chair she slammed her hand down on the table using some magic to amplify the sound.

"If that upstart thinks I will just surrender he's got another thing coming. I will meet him head on with my guard and teach him the true meaning of fear personally." She says turning towards the door flanked by her two guards.

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