Chapter Three

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Muffled voices filled the thick night air around her, bouncing off their surroundings as if to give her a second opportunity to grasp their not-so-secret conversation. Slowly gaining consciousness she focused on the voices, of all of them only one was recognizable, That bitch Karin is here...Great. Keeping her eyes shut she tried to calm herself as to not alert anyone to her conscious state while she tried to untie her hands that were tied tightly behind her back, Why did that impatient bastard have to have it his way?

"I say we drop her back there, why do we have to get her to help us Sasuke?" Karin whined, "She may have been taught by the hokage, but I'm sure we could've found someone else to do the procedure Sasuke. Besides isn't the goal of Team Taka to destroy the Konoha not to use it like a library..."

"He's not going to answer Karin; you just made him mad," Suigetsu advised as Karin growled in response.

Sakura's heart raced, Their goal is to destroy the Konoha now? That can't be right! Sasuke just has a grudge against the elders and Danzo he can't hold everyone accountable! Shit. Slowly opening her eyes emerald clashed with obsidian as she met him face to face once more.

"How long were you listening to their conversation Sakura?" Sasuke asked bluntly as his lips curved upwards into his classic smirk.

Staring at him intently Sakura ignored his question as she took in his beauty, not being in love with him could never tarnish his flawless skin, heavenly designed bone structure and captivating eyes. If there was a name for visual perfection it would be Uchiha Sasuke.

"Answer him!" Karin screeched as she stormed over to Sasuke's side. "You have no respect for him do you?" she added as she glared down at her rival.

Sighing softly Sasuke turned to look at the redhead, "Sit down with the others. This doesn't concern you," he ordered coldly.

Dropping to the ground instantly she scurried back to Jugo and Suigetsu, That look in his eyes just then, it was so...cold, she noted silently as he lip quivered - clearly worried.

"Are you going to untie my hands or what?" Sakura asked rudely as she looked away, "It's obvious that I can't escape I can't win against you let alone the three musketeers too."

"No," he replied instantly, "I don't trust that you won't try something."

"I like that nickname. It's pretty cool," Jugo commented to himself as Karin and Suigetsu looked at him idiotically.

Sakura glared at him. "Then what? Do you expect me to heal you without the use of my hands? Sorry I'm not a magician," she replied pertly as she scrunched up her pretty face in frustration.

Swiftly grabing her chin Sasuke forced her to meet his gaze. "It's time for you to take in the current situation. There is only 2 ways out of this situation..." he paused as he shook her head from side to side softly, "You will only like one of them. You either help me out or die, that simple."

Sakura's eyes shook with pent up rage, He isn't joking...

Kneeling down to her level Sasuke sighed, releasing his grip on her chin. "You disappoint me Sakura. I guess we're more alike than you realise." Edging closer to her left ear he grinned, "I might not know much about love but I know that if you love someone that feeling wouldn't disappear like yours has...I guess you never loved me afterall..." he whispered before pulling away.

BASTARD! Sakura screamed silently as she held back her temper.

Stroking her head as he rose to his feet, "Think it over."

"No," Sakura whispered as she raised her head, "I'll do it. But I have a condition."

"A condition?" Sasuke repeated with amusement present in his voice.

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