Chapter Five

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Dropping his hands by his side he looked down at her, "Naruto did this," he replied with an ironic slanted grin as he pointed to his eyes, and that's not even half of it...

Sakura looked down, her eyes scanning from left to right in confusion as she felt her heart beating strongly in the back of her throat. Naruto?

"Are you seriously surprised? This was just due to two of his tails smashing into my face as he reached stage 4 of his transformation," he commented, stroking her clammy left cheek. You should've seen the scar he left across my face before I got it healed.

Taking a deep breath Sakura tried to see reason, Naruto has wanted to save Sasuke. Prehaps this is why he didn't tell me? Was he ashamed? Looking up to meet Sasuke's void eyes she traced her fingers over his right cheekbone; below his injured eye. The uneven texture of his skin hinting at the existence of a scar once healed with hands less talented than her heart quaked with fear and uncertainty as she felt a pull in her chest; the world she believed she knew spiralling completely out of her control. "I'm only going to ask this once...please, tell me everything," she choked out in a grim monotone, brushing strands of her pale pink hair behind her ear with harmonious grace as her eyes shimmered, an inner pain surging through her.

Watching her curiously Sasuke turned, his back facing her. Glancing over his shoulder at the beauty standing behind him in heedless aversion, Is that distaste directed at me or Naruto? Eyes narrowing he grunted in distaste, "I sought out Naruto; he agreed to take my life."

An irreversible silence filled the air as the gentle cooing of the wildlife echoed off the walls of the mountain face. Sakura's eyes widened as she looked across at the large and very full moon peering over the ocean of blanketed trees before her, that's not true...It's can't be. Her arms shivered as the near invisible hairs on her arms pricked upwards due to the frost filled air around them; snowflakes riding in the gentle but constant night's breeze, slowly blanketing the undeserving ground below with their crystallised beauty. "Why are you lying?" she whispered as she fought her inner urge to pin him down and beat the truth out of him by any means needed.

Eyes narrowing Sasuke glared across at her, snowflakes wisping in the space between them as it seemingly grew with every word thought but not spoken. So I'm lying am I? "I'm not. I knew at that time that if I wasn't killed or unless something happened I would be forced to attack Konoha."

"You're a fool no one can 'force' you!" she snapped as she watched him, annoyed and loosing what little remained of her patience. This isn't a joke, it affects so many lives!

"I'm not a fool and I can be forced," he replied sternly. Sighing he looked down at the wet crystallised dirt beneath his feet as he swallowed the saliva gathered in the back of this throat, he lifting his head up high, "I became the leader of the Akatsuki 6 months ago."

"Why? Why did you accept?" Sakura enquired as she as she shook her head while she traced her tongue over her frost covered lips. It's past the point of him being re-introduced to our village, he will be killed on sight if this gets out. "Leave them before it's too late!"

Taking a deep breath Sasuke sighed, "I told you that you would you will try to talk me out of it."

Her bottom lip to quivered for a moment before being halted by her self control. "The Uchiha Sasuke that I loved had dreams of the future, he wanted to revive his clan back to its former glory and become a leader they would be proud of." It hurts to see you like this. I can't stand it. "You have changed so much if you think the Akatsuki has what you desire deep within your heart Sasuke," she added in a disappointed whisper, "You might believe that it is just their thirst for Konoha that you disagree with but in the end you will see that you're not one of them at all. You are just like Itachi, pretending to be the bad guy when you're really crying on the inside."

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