Chapter Four

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Sakura cried silently as she watched him walk away; her chest heaving as she tried to calm herself down. Why is my heart beating so fast...Damn that Uchiha, she thought silently as she pressed her fingers against her wet lips.

Taking a deep breath Sakura slowly calmed herself. Why...Why did he feel it was necessary to say all of that, he's never spoken to me for that long in my entire life... she thought to herself as she slowly rose to her feet, rubbing her left temple, I don't get it. How could he have cared for me? His actions, his words and the fact that he left me behind proves otherwise. Sighing she pressed her left hand to her thumping chest, The only thing I can gather from that conversation is that he is trying to manipulate me by stirring old feelings, he may have said he loved me previously but I know it's a lie. Her fierce emerald orbs narrowed with disgust, He hasn't changed at all.

A freezing breeze swept up from the forest below as small particles of grass whipped around her determined form, After that complete and utter lie why should I help him? Maybe I should try to escape, she thought to herself as she eyed off the cliff edge just above the cave she smiled, "That's where they disappeared to last night," she noted, I'm sure I could escape up there too. But should I? He might be playing me but he's hurt, her eyes softened as she looked back over her right shoulder, I can't tell what the right thing to do is.

"Oi hag!" Karin yelled out as she emerged on top of the cliff face.

Wincing Sakura shook with rage, clencing her fist as she tried to ignore her inner self screaming, "Kill her!"

Jumping down to the level Sakura was on Karin watched her anxiously, "I don't like that you're here," she stated bluntly, "But, Sasuke does need your help so I'll endure your presence..." she added impatiently. "However! That does NOT mean that I will tolerate you trying to get him to fuck you!" she howled, as she pointed her finger at her rival, her hair wisping through the air as a gust of wind swept past her.

Eyes widening for a moment in surprise Sakura watched the crimson haired woman carefully, she must've been watching. Slowly walking past her she forced a smile as she whispered, "You can have him," gliding past her she held her head high as she smiled knowing her heart was assuredly enshrined.

Blinking in confusion Karin turned slightly as her eyes clashed with Sakura's, her blunt words echoing through her head. How can she say that after Sasuke spoke to her the way he did? Stamping her feet Karin glared at Sakura's back, "I won't loose to you!" she screamed as she pressed her eyes shut. "After all I took his virginity..."

Sakura's ivory skin prickled nervously as goosebumps formed across the surface of her skin as the other woman's words reached her ears. I wasn't lying, she noted silently as she re-entered the cave. The darkness and damp air consuming her as she looked around anxiously for the books Sasuke spoke of.


Heart racing as he stood outside her empty house once more Naruto sighed, At the end of the day what do you go home to Sakura? You are just like me...alone. He noted sadly as he ran his tongue over his dry lips as clouds from above partially obscured the sun's light from illuminating the area in which he was standing.

Your parents died of typhoid while travelling through the outskirts of the lightning couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. I remember your expression, your pain, your tears. Wincing in pain he turned his head slightly, I couldn't do anything, you just wanted him, Sasuke...But you had already lost him too, you couldn't stop that either. Taking a deep breath Naruto sighed as he looked up at the sun, slowly pushing away the offending clouds to make way for its life giving light as the gentle chirping of birds rang through the air, That's when you gave up isn't it?

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