Chapter Seven

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Tsunade stared at the back of her office door uncomfortably, The ANBU squad should have reported back to me by now. Perhaps Sasuke set a premeditated trap. A gust of icy wind boomed from behind Tsunade, catching her by surprise as Sai suddenly appeared in the open window behind her.

"Lord Hokage there has been a disturbance at the front gate involving Uchiha Sasuke," he called from behind her, shock evident in his usual mono-toned voice.

Pressing her eyes shut she took a deep breath, "Casualties?"

"None as far as we know," he reported back obediently. "However it has been reported that the ANBU retrieval squad was targeted. It is unknown as to whether Sakura was involved in the planning behind this attack, but she has been accounted for."

Rising from her chair Tsunade reached for her Hokage hat, placing it on her head before turning to face Sai. "Get Kakashi to meet me at the gate since Sasuke has graced us with his presence," the blonde states sternly, her once pleasant features turning into a mask of complete distaste.

Nodding, Sai vanished into thin air, a heavy load of snow fell from the roof above the window.

Exhaling loudly, Tsunade rubbed her left temple. Sakura I told you that the next time he approaches the village unwilling to undergo a trial he will officially become an enemy, that time has come. No more excuses. No more holding back. I'm sorry. Turning to look down at her desk she eyes off a small red button, pressing it without hesitation as a tower bell rang throughout the vicinity as she vanished, Its war.

The sound of the village's war bell rang through Sakura's ears as her eyes widened, shocked. She said the next time she will try to kill him, is that time now? Panic set in as the medic took a deep breath and tugged at her beloved's cloak, bright orbs shifting from side to side as she tried to piece together a plan. "You need to leave Sasuke, they will be here in a matter minutes," the pinkette urges as gazed up at him desperately.

Silence befell the two as Sasuke smirked; "I think it's time I faced reality," he stated as he lifted her chin, their eyes locking. The Akatsuki won't know what hit them.

He can't be serious! Gripping his shoulders tightly Sakura shook him; "Tsunade told me that you've used up your lifelines Sasuke, they will aim to kill you! You can't face every shinobi in our village and honestly expect to survive, Sasuke!" Fighting back the urge to cry, her eyes tensed fearfully; You need to place more value in your existence, she thought to herself, anxiety setting in as acid rose in the back of her throat.

Grabbing Sakura's left hand Sasuke's expression remained blank. It was clear that she was going to blame herself if anything happened to him, but he was certain it wouldn't come to that if he played things out the way they wanted him to. "Trust me," he whispers huskily, the grip he held on her petite hand tightening slightly.

Heart racing, Sakura felt her entire body prickle with discomfort, What's happening?

Lunging forward, Sasuke leapt from tree branch to tree branch gracefully, before leaping up onto the enormously large gate of the village hidden in the leaves; Konoha. A smirk crept across his lips as he eyed hundreds of silhouettes converging on their undisclosed location, "Such a negative welcome home."

Body stiffening, Sakura's hair fluttered over her shoulders as an Antarctic gust smashed against their bodies in synchronised timing. Tightening her grip on Sasuke's hand, she attempted to swallow her fear as she suddenly found herself gripping her kunai in her free hand by habit; the cold metal of the familiar object stinging her purpled finger tips.

There was no doubt about how frightening their current situation was; hundreds of her comrades would gladly lay down their lives just for a chance to come face to face with Sasuke, let alone for the opportunity to slay him; the man she couldn't help but love. Shaking, the medic pressed her eyes shut, a strange warmth spread through her body, filling her with courage as she stepped forward taking a deep breath before calling out to her beloved teacher and leader; "TSUNADE!"

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